64Digits is the best game making community ever...

Posted by RetroVortex on July 31, 2006, 10:17 a.m.

Yes folks, its true, this place is the best. This place contains hardly any n00bs, people actually play your game, and sometimes people actually listen to you…

So to all you admis/mods/people who read my blogs I have to say:

Thank You

Why am I acting like this? you ask? well… its because of 64digits closing down this morning, and I was worried this place was gone for good…

Kinda silly of me eh?

Anyways, today all I did was work on pilot, and I'll have to say the game's going well. Mission 7 is completed, More sounds have been added, and some more particle effects are added,so alls well…

The only thing I don't like today is other Forums…

As we know the GMC sucks. My games have dissappeared completely, but I bet my really simple game I just released on there might get more downloads, (maybe because n00bs can actually play it…)

I also submitted Pilot on the Gaming World forums, but I've had about 40 views and no ones commented. I don't really like Gaming World because the people there only play/make RPG's. I also saw another member of 64digits on the forum, (I won't tell you his name), but I thought I would be nice and comment on his game…

So… there you go, thats mywhole day just summed up in a few paragraphs…

EDIT: someone just PMed me on GMG forums for the GM6 of button basher so meh, I'll release it to them…


Carbon-X 18 years, 6 months ago

lol, I'm seeing that this site really doesn't respect the GMC. I've heard/seen some of the nubs that live there, but the community from what I understand is quite large. On the other hand this does seem to be a good sized community, and the post I've seen do get alot of attention.

Tr00jg 18 years, 6 months ago

64 Digits is awesome! I like eveeryone's opinions and blogs. It creates a much bigger sense of community!

RetroVortex 18 years, 6 months ago

yeah, this place actually feels like a place rather than a website..

DFortun81 18 years, 6 months ago

64Digits = (1337_ppl && !n00bs)

Dang it, I did it again! (GML) :)

Juju 18 years, 6 months ago

We pride ourselves on the community and providing support to our members. If a game by one of our members is flamed on the GMC, we tend to support the game. We definitely look after eachother here - It rules.

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

you finally noticed…

melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago


Why am I acting like this? you ask? well… its because of 64digits closing down this morning, and I was worried this place was gone for good…

Kinda silly of me eh?

Heh, no. Something weird happened to the MySQL databases last night, and because of it, the main page was an annoying error. So I just decided to put a temporary page up explaining.

OBELISK 18 years, 6 months ago

This place makes GMC look like a freewebs site about Pokemon.