Hey all you 64Ders out there!!
I'm here again. Been taking a break from 64D since tis place shut down. I'm back now to tell you where I've been and what I've been doing:1. I've just took away that ghastly game button basher, (It was really crap, but not bad for a days work…), and for the week I've been working on a hyper revamp, (if you've been on the GMG you probably would've seen it)2. In woolworths they were selling Serious Sam 2 for £3,. and that was somehting I couldn't refuse. I love that game even more than Far Cry!But Quake 3 seems to be my favourite at the moment, (Sam's a close second though…)3. Also got myself super monkey ball deluxe, and I tell you this game is a love/hate thing with me at the moment…I love the game's idea, but I hate the evilness of some levels, and monkey boat= AAAAAAAARGH!!!!so Thats whats been going on with me at the moment, and I'm gonna go play some SS2 so…Peace out…
yeah, i like SMB, but it just drives me to hell whenever i get a game over, and those impossible levels… GAWD.
SMB is teh easiest game on earth. No reason to get a game over on one try. Even I got it and I was a little kid my first time.