What games are underated?

Posted by RetroVortex on Oct. 11, 2006, 11:46 a.m.

Well lately I have been thinking about games that would've been instant classics, but for some reason didn't make it.

This is a list of a few games I find underrated:

- Clayfighter 63 1/3rd: Okay the game is not as deep as it could've been. It was a complete rip-off of other games, but hey its funny, I mean who wouldn't want to see some clay monsters beating the crap out of each other… My favourite character has to be earthworm jim, He is great.

- Micro Machines V3: This game is fun! I love to see those little cars fly around on the screen, oh and the frying pan and boxing glove powerups were quite origional at the time it was made as well.

- Chrono Cross: Okay, so this game is quite popular, but it never passed final fantasy. I personally thought it was so much better than 7,8 or 9, the battle sytem was more strategical and the story was alot better.

- Comix Zone: This game I never heard of until I played it and I thought it was so much fun. It was origional, as well as challenging, and there was more than one way to beat a level, although I didn't get very far…

- Alladin (Genisis): A strange choice but I thought this game was alot better than other film to game conversions. The level design was really good, but the jumping was a little strange at first, but this game was good…

- Samurai Showdown: A game which is just as good as streetfighter. It had cool characters, in-game powerups, and cool special moves, but the game just never lifted.

- Samurai Showdown 2/King of Fighter Round 2 (Neo-Geo Pocket colour): I may be one of the very few poeple who owned the neo-geo pocket colour, but these two games are actually very good travel companions.

SSD2 had fun characters, challenging gameplay , and it had collectable cards which powered up the characters and gave them extra moves, it made it quite deep and addictive.

King of Fighters R2 was really cool in the sense you had a simplified but nicer version of the king of fighters engine, but what really stands out is the story mode. It was simple, but what kept you there was the special add-ons you could gain for your character, one has a gun attack, another increased your heallth, ect, but you had to pick quite strategically when it came to the really hard final stage.

And finally…

Yoshi's Cookie!

This was a really simple but fun puzzle game. all you did was shuffle the biscuits into rows or colomns of the same type and they dissappear, but there are more cookies that add to the pile so you have to be quick. The puzzle mode stands out because it was really fun to solve those incredibly hard puzzles…

You should definately play it I reccoment it to anyone..

So these are just a few of the hiiden gems of gameplay lurking around, and maybe you would like to share with me a few games you think are underrated as well…


RetroVortex 18 years, 4 months ago

The Snes version was pretty good with graphics, and a remake would be pretty cool, a DS version might be good (especially puzzle mode)

I think the NES version was great because I think that game and Kirby, pushed the Nes to its limits…

Its too bad the game was ripped off so much by zookeeper and pokemon link..

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 4 months ago


I didnt think anybody else knew about that game. Me and TG would play that forever back in the day on N64

RetroVortex 18 years, 4 months ago

ever since I played my first emulator (genisis one my freind had) I have played about 500-600 games since then. Snes + Genisis mostly but N64+PS1 are really good…(oh and obviously XBOX, PS2, Gamecube dreamcast, Neogeo, GBA and DS games as well…) (and apart from the snes, which I sold, I still own all thse consoles)

I also remember a freind from a long time ago had it and I enjoyed it, so one day being bored I found it, played it and now its in my private collection, along with lylat wars (enulator enhanced), and about 10 other games..

Too bad my pc controller broke, (so I can't play jet force gemini (another underrated game…))

Kenon 18 years, 4 months ago

I loved kirby!

RetroVortex 18 years, 4 months ago

Kirby 2 for the GBC was better I believe, but the snes version (super star?) was also quite fun, with the minigames…

The GBA kirby game (not the remake) was fun, but got frustrating because it gets easy to get lost..

Yes I know alot about videogames. I'm a gaming freak, so its only natural I make games as well…

This also proves I have no life…

but life is overrated last time I checked so meh…

Maxcore 18 years, 4 months ago

Yea clayfighter pwned, the blod all the way/

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 4 months ago





Battlefield Vietnam

Plan of Attack

The greatest games are usually the most underrated.

RetroVortex 18 years, 4 months ago

Onimusha 2

Thats great but really underrated

I've only heard of a few there SJF

I might have to find out about em',

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago


rockyran 18 years, 4 months ago

Demon's Crest