[RV] Enterprising

Posted by RetroVortex on Oct. 15, 2006, 5:54 a.m.

I am testing this code… what can you see…

I see… well I can't see it yet as it's in damn code, but once I finish this blog, I'll see it so meh..

EDIT: Oh, so thats what that code does, well I'll keep that in mind for future reference…

EDIT 2: I just realised my game has had 46 dowloads (64 backwards!!Oh NOES!!)


I Had a school fair thing on saturday, it was cool…

The people in my form (11/4) were too heartless to set up a stool, so I volunteered myself to do the stool. I decided to do apple bobbing, which was fun as well as amusing. At the start it was slow, and my head of year, who's a snobby cow, turned her nose up at my stool, and you could tell by her body language, she thought it would do crap..

How wrong she was though…

You see, after a few people went at the stool, (younger years like year 7's and 8's), they told their freinds, and chain reactions was created, with alot of people taking part. Also I have this apparant skill to persuade almost anyone to do anything, so that brought loads more people to the stall. Also the price is another factor to put into account..

The stall was 50p for a 30 second go or £1.00 for a 1:30 second go, and you'd think that was a little pricey until you saw the prizes. The prizes were 4-in-1 pens, hand fans, 3 maoam sweets, or a bar of chocolate, as well as the apple you get.

These people must've thought that this game was a bargain, and technically I would've ripped myself of, but this was what they didn't know:

- The 20 of the 40 apples were reduced to 20p for a 10 apple bag (so I spent 40p for 20 apples…)

- The fans, which usually cost £2, cost me actually 10p each (my mum works at Tesco)

- The 4-in-1 pens were also 10p each

- The chocolate was on offer at out localshop (4 for a pound)

So basically I spent about £7-10 on my materials, which I would consider a generous donation to the school on my part…

So basically my stool earned £33.71, which was 3x the amount I spent, and 3x the amount I made last year, and this was all by myself…

When I gave the money to that snooty cow, the look on her face was priceless, she obvoiusly thought I wasn't a very enterprising person, but that is a mistake she won't make again…

So basically saturday was a good day, I got to see people get soaked for apples, I got to suprse a snooty cow, and I got to practice my enterprising skills, and have fun with a few freinds in the other forms…

(Thank you for reading this, if you did..)


neolouis 18 years, 4 months ago

You must have really enjoyed saturday

RetroVortex 18 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, but today sucks…


Revision for tests…

Coming last in the musiclib contest… (I was a no-hoper anyway…)