wii..? Never heard of it...

Posted by RetroVortex on Nov. 1, 2006, 3:37 p.m.

Wii? whats a Wii?…



NAH! just kidding! I for one should know what a wii is, afterall I'm going to get one once I get enough money…

But looking at Nintendo's new console brings me back to the days when we didn't have fancy graphics, and dynamic gameplay.

Everything was so simple and so colourful, and in a way, only Nintendo has kept itself this way. I mean the games Nintendo make are not quite as different as they made back in their NES days.

Lets compare Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Sunshine:

(I would use HTML at this point but there isn't any now so you'll just have to picture both in your head)

1. Super Mario Bros. has simple yet colourful graphics, and gameplay which matches.

2. Super Mario Sunshine has 3D graphics in good detail, but the simple colourful style remains, and the basic idea of gameplay hasn't really changed, its just been added to

I suppose in a way what I'm saying is that Nintendo is a good company, but I think they were a little underrated.

I admit the gamecube was not really a success in comparisson to the N64 (which wasn't top dog either) and the SNES, but I believe this time Nintendo has got it this time.

I suppose what I'm saying is what you already know and its a bit old, but looking through Nintendo history has made me look at my own games (the ones not released here) and it makes me want to scrap those complicated, detailed games, and start on something simple.

I'm going to make a tribute game to the NES…

And no this is not going to be a remake of Mario or Megaman.

This is going to be origional..

I have studied the NES style and I realised that the people who made NEs games had complications…

They were limited to 4 colours per sprite and black (5,but black is considered as tranparency) and no more than 15 colours (I think its 15..) on the screen at once (including background…)

But once I realised the consoles limitations, I've decided not to follow the rule exactly. I will follow the 4 colour sprite rule, and I'm going to stick to the NES palette, but I will not use the NES resolution, but I will use 320x240 instead. This will enable me to make small, yet nicer looking sprites than big chunky ones.

also since I don't know the limitations to the NES coding, I'm going to use my own platform engine, with variable jumping and hspeed movement (the guy doesn't immediately stop after you release the key)

The game engine is going well at the moment. I've coded 3 different types of enemies, but there are bugs to fix before I show you guys..

(mainly dissappearing sprites, when a certain sequence of events happen)


WaleedAmer 18 years, 3 months ago

I just got enough money!!! *breakdances*

basilamer 18 years, 3 months ago

Yup and we're getting it(hopefully)at release!

BTW, the Next gen color is pretty much brown. Pixelate the hell out 8 next gen game screenies, and you'll see that most are brownish! xD

KaBob799 18 years, 3 months ago

I need to count my wii money cause I dont know if im even at 200$ yet =/

sk8m8trix 18 years, 3 months ago

meh… renember when donkey kong 64 and legend of zelda majoras mask came out? those games required a special gfx thing and they rocked… then i took the gfx thing out (im a dumbass) and now i cant play donkeykong

basilamer 18 years, 3 months ago

im a dumbass

You just realized that?

foslock 18 years, 3 months ago

w00h00t! Totally gonna get a Wii, FIRST CONSOLE EVER!!

chicklet 18 years, 3 months ago

*smiles and nods head*



long time no see,

how's life?