Now that all the Christmas celebrations have died down around here, I am re-emerging from the shadows to talk about MY Christmas. I ate too much for one, I feel fat.
I'm pretty happy with what I got… A mobile phone, for a start, I really need one now that I work and stuff. And then I got a Joe Satriani DVD, a G3 DVD, a Neal Morse CD, Eric Clapton CD, Pearl Jam CD, and Pink Floyd CD. I got a cool cross-necklace, some bracelet thing, And for some reason, a n00b-load of chocolate - So I wanna hurry up and eat it all before I start gaining weight.2 weeks and 2 days till the release of Conflict: Online 0.6. Still pretty freaking excitement - demo is ready apart from a little chat thingo that takua108 is working on, and maybe a much nicer HUD from Scott Llewelyn. I've also been working on my GameCave Effects Engine 3.0 - All the gm6 is done (the effects), and there's just 1 or 2 tutorials left to write - then I need to finish the documentation PDF, and get Arcalyth to make the Part-Art 2 GUI, before I can start coding the rest of it. Then, yeah, GCE is out. Hmm. I really don't know what else to say, so i'll wrap it up here. -Bye.
Thanks Chiken, you ruined the chain reaction.
Appearantly you can't hold up a real conversation, so I had to break it.