RA - CO.6 and GCE3.0

Posted by RhysAndrews on Jan. 14, 2007, 9:25 p.m.

In two days, I released my two major projects (one not so major - but a personal project that I've been working on for a long long time now). It's been a rather excited few days now, answering comments, taking suggestions and bug reports and considering the criticisms taken.. etc.

Firstly, I released Conflict: Online 0.6 - I take it the most of you have checked it out by now. If not, I urge you to have a little play. I'm very happy with the response I've gotten, as I haven't just gotten some praises, but lots of constructive criticisms that has lead me to a large change-list for the next demo. This includes fixing the turret/AI problem, collision problems, training problems, and I have also implemented an easter egg that involves the CAMD AI Soldier to chuck a spasm. More information soon ;). I thankyou all for your kind comments and criticisms.

Secondly, I released the third version of the GameCave Effects Engine. I rewrote all the effects, commented them PLUS documented them thoroughly in a 30-page manual - it also includes a Particles Tutorial and Alpha-Masking Tutorial (including how to make alpha masks with photoshop documents). I've been working on Part-Art 2, the original (and, hopefully soon to be best) particle-editor. The engine is complete, it's just a matter of getting the GUI setup, and then connecting it all together.

Arc and I have started working on the new Conflict: Online website. Some have asked what's wrong with the current one… well, the design doesn't fit with the new menu we had to make for CO (*glares at JakeX*). I've also made a much nicer design (in my opinion). Here, have a look:


poultry 18 years, 1 month ago


E-Magination 18 years, 1 month ago

Rhys' ego strikes again.

GMmarine 18 years, 1 month ago

Hehe, I checked out the new demo, I got bored alot yesterday, and I'm happy to say it keep me busy for a while(1 hour).