RA - Girls Galore Pt 2

Posted by RhysAndrews on Feb. 14, 2007, 10:45 p.m.

Read 2 blogs below for the initial story on the girl that likes me. >_>

I thought I'd give an update, seeing as I'm starting to find her undying crush for me rather disturbing. I mean, I still have nothing against her, but she bought the same type of shoes as me - and when I went to College yesterday (during lunchtime) she went up to my group and talked a LOT about me. In fact, I'm starting to feel sorry for her for the fact that I haven't talked to her… and EVERYONE (I mean EVERYONE) keeps telling me that I should go talk to her… to be frank, it's her responsibility not mine - and I have no problem in her coming up and talking to me.

Gah. Anyway - I've started doing the full on school stuff now. I go to college on Wednesdays from 2pm till 6pm studying really n00by stuff.. like how to use Word (and I mean, how to change the font). But, it gets me Certificate III (two more courses after that and I get a super-diploma or something… probably just a diploma - I don't think super-diplomas exist, though I'm sure sticking on a cape will do the job). I'm also working on the school website, and STILL apparently working at that Internet cafe (jeez, these guys haven't gotten me to work for a month now). So, I'm rarely on the computer now. A bit sad. But eh.



frenchcon1 17 years, 11 months ago


eagly 17 years, 11 months ago

I wouldn't be surprised if RhysAndrews felt the urge to delete that last 4 comments. -_-

bendodge 17 years, 10 months ago

I hope he does.