RA - Holy Crapola?

Posted by RhysAndrews on March 17, 2007, 8:25 p.m.

Hi everyone!

It's been a multi-week wait since my previous blog - life has been going on pretty ritually - not much different happening. But, over the few weeks I guess I can scrape out a bit of news with a spatula and messily splat it on this blog canvas. So let us embark on yet another no-real-plot blog, if you will. Pretty much, like I said in my previous blog, these blogs get no more than 3 comments. Well - that blog got 15 comments. I am now saying these blogs do not get more than 50 comments, so yeah, try and prove me wrong.

So at TAFE/College, I'm finally at the stage where we can start exploiting our work a little bit… you know - make ourselves at home. By saying that, I installed Quake III on all the college computers and we maximize/minimize our game when we've finished our work and our teacher isn't looking. I don't like Quake III that much but it's the easiest to get setup and all that on a network structure. I've also got a group of friends at the TAFE too, and we play ping pong / table tennis in the cafeteria during our breaks. For those who don't know, I am studying an IT Framework Course as part of my higher-school certificate, and I go down there on Wednesdays after 4 classes at school. I finish my TAFE lesson at 6pm and get home at around 7-8pm (20 minutes to walk to station, 10 minutes to wait for train, 30 minutes train home, 30 minutes to walk home).

Yesterday I decided to have myself a party at my house, seeing as my parents had gone out for the whole day and only my brother was at home. It was pretty fun - started at 12pm and ended at 11pm - but most of the girls came at around 5-6pm for some reason. Anyway, It was enjoyable, most of the guys that came just played Call of Duty or Age of Empires III on our 5 computers over the network (I played a few games till the first females came, then it was kind of a chat/music shindig). But yeah, it was cool and stuff - tons of crap to clean up too afterwards. Oh, one thing though - My best friend (female) went to the party… but as soon as she got there her mum was like "Where the hell are you, get home or I'll call the police!" - She waited until her mum called again before she did go home, which was a few hours… But from all the times we've phoned and spoken about it all, she's got a bit of a problem on her hands - her mother studies IT at University, and when she's at home has to work all the time on the computer. So she makes sure her daughter (my best friend) is always at home to clean the house and look after her sisters. I know that because

- She told me

- Her mother is fine with friends coming to HER place

- My friend told my mother all week that she was going to this party and her mother was fine with it until her mother awoke and realized that she needed my friend to clean the damn house. Question is, what more can I do besides chat to my friend about it? Something physical needs to be done.

Anyway! Back on track, if there is one. My employer at the Net Cafe I work at has come back from Hong Kong and now wants me to work again, trying to get me to learn all the money etc etc. Again, he's still paying me 6 dollars an hour when the minimum wage for a part-time traineeship is 7.27 an hour. Keep in mind, he's made me work FULL TIME (Even though it's a part-time traineeship) and has taught me nothing, so in effect he should be paying me the full wage of 14 dollars an hour. None-the-less, the TAFE reps (who organize my work-placement) will be having a casual meeting with them =D. The Cafe asked if I could work every Saturday for the whole day and straight after school on Mondays - that leaves me just Sundays free (because after school every day I have something on). My parents have told me I will NOT be working until all the amazingly huge flaws in the employment the cafe has given me are fixed, and if necessary, they find me another place to have my traineeship. So yeah, keep it quiet.

Hope you all have a great week



Arcalyth 17 years, 11 months ago

I have two computers. One for me, one for my mom. I also have an ancient notebook, but I uninstalled Windows on it, then realized that it can't boot by CD, so now it's useless.

Takagi 17 years, 11 months ago

Because everyone's showing off how many computers they have…

We have a desktop (which I use), an old desktop (1 GB of hard disk space, no ethernet ports, nor does it have PS/2 connectors or USB ports), an old labtop (with 1 GB of hard disk space, and no ethernet ports), and a not-so-old laptop (40GB of memory maybe? Runs XP… can't recall anything else except that it's a Dell. Blech.)

RhysAndrews 17 years, 11 months ago

Wow. We have three. Why the hell would you need six?
Like I said, my brother owns an animation company. One computer is for my own use, another is for my parents' use (damn mum and her Ebay), and then we have my brothers' - one controls the recording studio, and the other two are for the compiling of art/frames and editing them - pretty much, compiling everything together. But in the end, my brother just uses them for LAN Parties most of the time.


Dom 17 years, 11 months ago