Conflict Online Website

Posted by RhysAndrews on May 5, 2006, 6:47 a.m.

Woohoo! Finally, we've got a bit of a Conflict Online website going. It's only the design and part of the online-stats engine so far, but it'd be nice for you guys to tell me what you think of the design. I did pretty much the whole design, except for some of the rippings from the CO Menu, which was done by Jake.

And the styles for the SQL stuff is not near finished; but, enjoy.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and thanks to another of my members, Takua108, for setting up the SQL and hosting the site.


poultry 18 years, 9 months ago

blek, tables…

i don't like the look of tables…

and, are you the actual designer of that autum house mabobber?

takua108 18 years, 9 months ago

You wouldn't even begin to believe how hard it is to get two web developers with different styles and ways of doing things together into one project. It's still undergoing construction, like Rhys just said, but meh.

Personally, I'm pleased with how well we did.

BTW it looks fine in Firefox, like crap in IE6, and perhaps the best in IE7BETA.

(And Rhys; you can get rid of the ?act=1 at the end of the URL, it's unnecessary).

EDIT: I forgot to say that my excuse for the website looking slightly crappy is because I stayed up <b>the whole night</b> last night, so by this morning I was to tired to actually asses such things as those ugly gray borders. I fixed them just now, and it looks pretty sweet.

poultry 18 years, 9 months ago

ok, here lemme tell u some stuff to change

"© 2005-2006 GameCave Productions."

make that a bit bigger, it is way to small and it smushes together

the "My Account" stuff, the buttons + fields should be styled differently, not the default crappy ones.

and add something else in the flash logo… like that big G thing on gamecave

If you are needing MySQL help, feel free to contact me. as i know MySQL quiet well,(And i know PHP, and a lil bit of CSS or CCS or w/e it is called..)

takua108 18 years, 9 months ago

Okay, first of all…"default crappy ones?" I made those myself, thanks. Although yes, they will be styled more like the left bar eventually.

And I refuse to respond to any more of the post.

RhysAndrews 18 years, 9 months ago


If you are needing MySQL help, feel free to contact me. as i know MySQL quiet well,(And i know PHP, and a lil bit of CSS or CCS or w/e it is called..)
Thanks but no thanks. We're perfectly capable of getting this all done ourselves, thankyou for the feedback though.

poultry 18 years, 9 months ago

i wasn't trying to insult you….