GMC Offline

Posted by RhysAndrews on May 5, 2006, 8:11 a.m.

Chronic has decided to shut down the GMC until the current hacker is dealt with; Apparently, there is a small chance the GMC will return with, frankly, nothing. While I speak to Chronic now, we're discussing having new features on a new GMC, including a GM Design, GML-highlighting, and much more. Obviously theese are just fantasies, but keep your ears open.

Here's the Message shown on the GMC:

The GMC will be offline until futher notice.

Yesterday the forum was hacked with what we believe to be a forum exploit.

A member signed up and gained admin rights and changed the forum template to add an iframe at the bottom of each page.

This iframe took advantage of expliots in Internet Explorer and downloaded trojans and virus to anyone who viewed them.

A bulk email was also sent out which reached around 3000 people containing an exe that was also infected with a virus.

I promptly took the forum offline and patched the expliot and removed the iframe.

This is what i thought to be the end of the problem but today this has proven to be false. Around 2pm GMT, Mark Overmars forum account was hacked.

I urge you all, if you use the same password at this forum as other places, then change it in that other place as soon as possible.

I hope you understand the nature of this situation and understand if we have to start from new (it was planned any way remember :) )

GMC Staff


shadowstrike32 18 years, 9 months ago


poultry 18 years, 9 months ago


RhysAndrews 18 years, 9 months ago

how are you talking to chronic? E-Mail?1
IRC Chat. People will flame you to death if you go there; so if you do be prepared.

Personally, yeah it's a big deal that the GMC is being a'sploded; seeing as GMC is the main-stream (like.. the wall street) for GM releases; BUT, I don't personally care that much seeing as:

* GMC saves backups of the whole database

* GMC was going to be cleared/updated soon anyway

* Hackers come and go, sure this guy is one big mother, but hackers can always be bring down.


Radnom_Games 18 years, 9 months ago

Scary [:O]

Seriously I hope this gets better. Or something. and that little ol' me doesn't get teh haxxored.

Juju 18 years, 9 months ago

Pfft hopefully some n00bs will leave so we can start posting proper games instead of seeing yet <i>another</i> webbrowser

marbs 18 years, 9 months ago

This is actually quite good. The GMC could start from scratch (as it probably is going to anyway) and be improved in loads of ways. Hopefully all the n00bs will die without the GMC, but they'll probably just come flocking back when the GMC reopens.

RetroVortex 18 years, 9 months ago

NOOO!! If there isn't a juicy noob sponge like the GMC then they'll disperse and infect other websites, then multiply like the fungus they are.

We best make sure this site stays secret-(ish)

poultry 18 years, 9 months ago

i have been there….

i didn't get flamed.. that much

only by fredfredrickson, but i started that, cus he is making up rumors about me >.<

marbs 18 years, 9 months ago

"We best make sure this site stays secret-(ish)"

I only found this site through the GMC, and so now the GMC is down, that means the main entrance to this site is closed. *celebrates*.

But yep, the n00bs will have to go somewhere.

RhysAndrews 18 years, 9 months ago

You guys dream too much. Noobs always come, noobs always go, and some noobs qualify to be one of us. A new GMC won't clear them out, they'll keep coming. Noobs are like our students, the grimey runts. Oh, and btw, CAMD played a big part in this hacking, he says he got told to do certain things, i still think he thought hey an oppurtunity to hack.
