Happy 15-years-of-living!

Posted by RhysAndrews on June 3, 2006, 12:52 a.m.

That's right, it's my birthday!!….. in 10 days; Just an excuse to start up another blog. I can't wait, I'm going to actually setup some kind of party, instead of just sitting in a rocking chair sitting straight forward all day… With a shotgun (yeah why not). And I get to buy my own damn present with my own damn money. Although some of that money'll come from my birthday-party-ees; I'm gonna buy myself a new guitar, seeing as my current one, although cool and purple, has like real low-action and it's crapped. Good to learn on I guess though. But yeah I'll be going into the city to this big guitar warehouse and buyin myself an acoustic-steel guitar; I'd have so much damn choice If it weren't for my annoying left-handed-ness.

Yeah, I'm also selling some idiot at school my speakers (Logitech Z-640 5.1; they're sick-assed) for twice as much as I paid for them; It's good when people don't know things; Then i'll probably either buy them again knowing I got them renewed for free + extra money, or i'll buy better ones (always wanted the Z-5500 DIGITAL).

In other news, I've discovered a new band I like; called "Symphony X"; They're heaps like Dream Theater, but more Death Metal than Heavy Rock… But they have some awesome medieval feels to them; looove it. Yeah and my mum bought me Tubular Bells (an album) because she thought I'd like it.. It was pretty awesome, apparently the first fully-synthesized album ever released. Although It was only released to show how synthesizers sound, it just had some very well-written music in it. So yeah that was cool.

I've got my drama-performance on from this Tuesday to this Friday; I can't believe it's so friggin huge, in the newspaper, posters all over the area, and yeah. Really stressing work. I did the poster, take a look (and I do apologize for how lovely it is; it was what I had to do):


Finally, Takua108 and I are going to start working on the new GameCave Website; gonna be a lot more fun to do, since I can do the design 'n' coding myself, and we've got user accounts etc setup. Here's the design-concept I made with photoshop yesterday:



Kenon 18 years, 8 months ago

The site's too good looking

RhysAndrews 18 years, 8 months ago

The site's too good looking
Uh… Is that a good thing?

revert 18 years, 8 months ago

whats the sites url?

RhysAndrews 18 years, 8 months ago

whats the sites url?
The image is only a design-concept I created in Photoshop; It's not a screenshot of the website. In other words, It's not a website yet, i'm going to start working on it tommorow.

The old-version of the site can be found here: www.gamecave.org

FredFredrickson 18 years, 8 months ago

the websitedesign is not my favorite, but it's definitely moving in the right direction. I would suggest throwing in at least 1 new color with the blue, to liven things up a bit, and to make things a bit smaller in general. The G logo just takes up too much screen real estate, I think.

You might also consider adding a few randomly selected screenshots from GC's lineup somewhere on the page. I think that would make it a bit more interesting.

I do like the white you've added in the background, I think it gives it a fresh, clean feel. So yeah, moving in the right direction! I think the best advice I could give though would be to just settle on a good design for a while - you don't want to have to redesign the image of your game group every 3 months!

RhysAndrews 18 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, As we work on the site we'll be adding and removing elements to really edge it off; And it ain't every 3 months, it's every… wait yeah around 3 months.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 8 months ago

Heh heh! [:D]

Hootiehoo 18 years, 8 months ago

It sounds and looks awesome, I can't wait.

Is there a GameCave Forums yet? If there isn't can I be a mod when/if it comes? >:-D

Hey, I just noticed you have me as one of your favorite users, among just about nobody. Why is that?

…Have an increased reputation. :D

RhysAndrews 18 years, 8 months ago

There's been a GameCave Forum for a while; http://s15.invisionfree.com/GameCave_Forums/index.php?

But it's crap. I'm not fond of my own forum, GMC is just fine for advertising our stuff. And no, you can't be a mod. You're listed as one of my favourite users because I was lookin at your page while we were chattin in the chatroom and I felt like it.


poultry 18 years, 8 months ago

I have counted 3 designs (at minimum) for GC's websites.

You said you have only had one design in a earlier topic.