
Posted by RhysAndrews on July 9, 2006, 11:39 p.m.

Below is 2 of 5 parts (4 and 5) of the lyrics in one of the most professional pieces of music; Called "Octavarium", by Dream Theater. It's in their latest album, and it's all about 8 sides of life that you pretty much go through over and over in a huge cycle. The professionalism of the album is outstanding, and you guys should check it out. The only problem i've found is they've not shown much of their musical talent in terms of playing their instruments, although they've gone the extra mile in their musical talent in terms of writing pieces. If you guys think the guitarist, bassist, drummist, or even keyboardist sucked in this album, try out their previous album "Train of Thought", or "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence". And seriously, this is some of the most professional music i've ever heard, close to Mozart and Beethoven and crap. Ok; Lyrics. I do warn you for the song "Octavarium", though; it goes for 25 minutes. Enjoy.



Our deadly sins feel his mortal wrath

Remove all obstacles from our path


Asking questions

Search for clues

The answer's been right in front of you


We try to break through

Long to connect

Fall on deaf ears with failed muted breath


Loyalty, trust, faith and desire

Carries love through each darkest fire


Tortured insanity

A smothering hell

Try to escape but to no avail


The calls of admirers

Who claim they adore

Drain all your lifeblood while begging for more


Innocent victims for merciless crimes

Fall prey to some madman's for impulsive designs


Step after step

We try controlling our fate

When we finally start living it's become to late

Trapped inside this Octavarium

Trapped inside this Octavarium

Trapped inside this Octavarium

Trapped inside this Octavarium

II. Razor's Edge

We move in circles

Balanced all the while

On a gleaming razor's edge

A perfect sphere

Colliding with our fate

This story ends where it began


Cesar 18 years, 7 months ago

i've heard it and it sounds really good, the lyrics are also very good, gj finding this!

RhysAndrews 18 years, 7 months ago

Finding it? Nah, man, I've known this song since I bought the album as soon as it came out. I'm a major Dream Theater fan, got all their albums.



tjg92 18 years, 6 months ago

Yeah octavarium is an awesome album. The songs are really well written.

My favorite DT album is probably either Scenes From a Memory or Awake.