Particles Tutorial

Posted by RhysAndrews on July 16, 2006, 9:15 a.m.

Well, back in the "studios" of GameCave, I've been working rather hard on a complete remake of the GameCave Effects Engine (I think it's reached over 10,000 downloads now; only 270 on the 64digits mirror though; try it out in my examples section). Yeah, that's right, "GameCave Effects Engine 3.X", or GCE3.X for short. Well it's going to have tons of features… like you know those Particle-Designer-GUI's that got released recently? Well, I hate to boast, but I created the first and original.. called "PartArt". Unfortunately i'm not much of a GUI man, so it wasn't too easy to use. Yet, this time, PartArt 2 will be implemented as part of GCE3.X, allowing people to create particles with ease, no GML knowledge needed; well very little anyway. Then, i'm rewriting all the effects, commenting everything, and also adding a ton of new effects. There'll be a sweet GCE-Menu-GUI, allowing you to see lots more details on the effects in-game, etc.

Anyway, I posted this because GCE3.X will also have tons of tutorials (in PDF format) teaching you visual-function-lists like Particles, Texture Primitives, Surfaces, and more. And I would like to know what you guys think of my unfinished particle-tutorial. If I get enough complaints about it being PDF i'll stick up the .DOC version.



Rhys Andrews


FredFredrickson 18 years, 7 months ago

Awesome, looking forward to seeing it completed.

Juju 18 years, 7 months ago

Very nice. Really detailed.