Job Interview

Posted by RhysAndrews on Nov. 1, 2006, 12:31 a.m.

Had my first Job Interview Today; at an Internet/Gaming Cafe, Server/Domain Host-Shop, and Computer Building/Repair Shop (all in one). I was being considered as a school-based part-time trainee for next year; meaning, I get taught on the job and I get a pay, and hours that fit into my school curriculum. I also am going to TAFE, so I get professional IT training which results in a diploma.

The problem with the interview? Well, they were very impresesd with my resume, and are definitely considering taking me on… But they were hard to speak with (Don't mean to be racist, but of the 2 employees I met, one was Chinese and one was Middle-Eastern or Indian, thus their english wasn't brilliant), they swore a lot, and I believe one of them may be a drug-addict as he was talking about a "$40 dollar something" with a description almost identical to some form of intense drug. Let me also say, that seeing as they get paid by the government for training me, and there's a small minimum wage for trainees, I'm almost certain they were using me as cheap labour. So…. I may have to take a pass on the store.

I'll continue to try getting a traineeship/work setup for next year (and I'll get to work fulltime until next year, probably), but If I don't get one, at least I'll have lots of time to devote to GameCave.


-Rhys Andrews


Rob 18 years, 3 months ago

lol. What was on your resume? Your webdeisign thingy? lol gamecave?

RhysAndrews 18 years, 3 months ago

- Work Experience repairing Computers

- Building/Repairing/Setting up Computer Labs

- The many awards won

- Websites and Posters, etc done for productions and businesses.

- Major Role's in state-wide theatre productions

- Experience with GML, C++, Javascript, HTML, PHP, CSS, VB

- Experience with Photoshop, Bryce, Flash MX, MS Office, Music Synthesizing

- Voice Acting for TV Series

- Sound Recording Studio Experience

- 1 year studying music & guitar

- Counselling

- Network Setup and Administration

- Typing at 120 words per minute

Just to name a few.


Arcalyth 18 years, 3 months ago

Oooooh, impressive.

I'm sorta lucky, my mom has connections with a few people who work at a major supermarket nearby, and I could probably get a job there =) (FINALLY!) (this summer)

OL 18 years, 3 months ago

Good luck Rhys.

Rob 18 years, 3 months ago

Holy shit! 120wpm!!!!!! Thats un-human! And whta TV series?

Flea1991 18 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, good-luck man, I hope it goes well for you. :)


Rob 18 years, 3 months ago

Once again Holy shit!!! 120wpm!!!!!!