Well i'm back from the smoky mountains in tennesee. And i'm back with an anime addiction. And if you know me like snakeman does then you would know that I really don't like anime at all. Well on our first day in the smoky mountains we all went to bed. It was saturday and we each had our own room with our own tv. so I thought i would watch some tv. I turned on adulkt swim and everyone knows that on saturday only anime is on. Well there was a cool show on called fooley cooley. I thought that show was amazing! I saw like episodes 1-5. My favorite episodes is the baseball one and the one were the robot eats the kid and they fight the giant hand. I'm not sure why I like it. Maybe its the fact that they fight with giutars(witch is cool) or the fact that its really weird. Here are some pics. http://64digits.com/users/Rob%20the%20Penguin/fool_cooly.JPG
So are there any more fans of this show?
Im back and with an anime addictionO_o
Posted by Rob the Penguin on Aug. 13, 2006, 2:33 p.m.
stop saying t3h! XD
so are there any fans of this show?
what i want to know is: is there any fans of robbo's blog. XD jk