Gravity Studios Presents...

Posted by Robineivets on Dec. 27, 2006, 12:30 p.m.

Gravity Studios…is a company made up of about 10 people or so…I am the lead designer…Stevie Manning


War War:

A game where you go around leaving mine trying to blow each other up.

Pirates of the Seven Seas:

You are Tyler Williams, a washed up pirate who after getting of the island you were stranded on are on your way to sink your former boat… The Nightgale…and the captain who gave the order of your death.

Dead Man's Hill

A game where all you do is make decicions on which wawy to go…and what you say…your fate is up to you.

Other than that…all I have is Evolution Tennis…which is a time waster more than a game. So…until my next entry…Cheers!


Misconstruct 18 years, 1 month ago

No, you're welcome here, Robineivets. We just like to act like a bunch of hooligans towards new people.

leemcd56 18 years, 1 month ago

Welcome. To. 64Digits. XD

Robineivets 18 years, 1 month ago


gtvg 18 years, 1 month ago

Ok, names but no games… heh, it rhymes!

Welcome to 64Digits, enjoy your stay.

Robineivets 17 years ago

Year 2200

I'm currently somewhere south of the Texas city, Corpus Chrisi. Somewhere in what most of the locals call, "The Valley" I was dropped off here by the Xe. the Xe, prounounse like the letter "x" is a new civilian made organization. My mission as told to me by one the the Council members of the Xe board, was to assasinate a man named Raul Marquez. Apparently, this man was responisble for a large shipment of illegal oil to Mexico City. Raul Marquez was planning to become the next "leader" of Mexico and with oil, he could easily make that happen. You see…in the world I live in…oil is at a loss. Oil is so scarce, our own military is useless. Our president, Andrew Smith was shot and assasinated by a man named Ryan Wilson. Ryan Wilson then declared himself president on these great United States. After having his henchmen take out the vice president along with most of the congress a silence fell over the nation…and they started respecting Mr. Wilson. Unfortanately, the military could do nothing As a part of Xe I'm supposed to be working to remove Wilson from power. But first things first. I have have to take care of General Marquez. After passing a sign that read Harlingen, I heard a rumble from the sky. I ducked behind a few bushes that lined the dirt road. Above me a large B-52 bomber flew above. At first I was thinking three things. "Who's flying that huge thing with so little oil, What are they doing, and who the hell still uses planes from the 2nd world war? Before I could imagine some answers, I heard a loud boom.

"Vamanos! Vamanos!" cries poured out of a nearby house that had a wall blown out. I hurried to see if they needed anyhelp. As I walked in I realized it was a trap. There, standing in the doorway was him. General A. Marquez. He snapped his fingers, and in an instant there were two men on the side of me. One of them punched me in the gut, and the other inserted a needle into my arm. I fought…but eventually everything got blurry. Then, all of a sudden…It was black.

I woke up in the middle of what looked like it used to be a football field. I got up and looked around…the city seemed to be a wasteland. I wandered till I found a fence, I hopped it and headed to an abanded building.

"Probally a highschool or something" I muttered to myself. I broke the glass door and walked into a dark hallway. Along the walls were what looked to be like red lockers…but they were too dusty to tell. I kept walking till I came across a door leading outside. I kicked it open and found myself face to face with a man. I jumped back and pulled out my handgun. I was about to ask his name when I realized it. The man wasn't alive at all. The man was hanging from a beam supporting the walls. His eyes still open. When I backed up I hit something else. I turned around to an unimaginable horror. More dead bodies, all hanging from the beams. hundreds of them. I franticly pushed my way out. Finally reaching the edge of the maze of bodies, I flung myself out into the open chilled air. As I got up I saw something fly down. I looked to the ground in disgust. A man had just jumped of the top of the two story school, Not wanting to see anymore, I ran away from the school. The last thing I heard there, was the wet thud of a body hitting the cold hard cement.

I almost forgot my mission. I tried using my satelite phone to reach the council. No luck. I was about to give up when I saw a man with a missing leg on the ground. I recognized him as one of the men who attacked me under General Marquez's command.

"Where is he?" I asked sternly. I could tell the man was in pain. It looked as if the leg was cut off by a rusty saw. The man had also lost a lot of blood. He didn't seem to have much time to live. "He's heading down to the big M sign." I was trying to figure out what he was saying? He had a thick spanish accent and apparently didn't know much english.

M…M…McDonalds! There was one not so far away I remembered! I sprinted all the way to the once-resturaunt. From about a hundred yards away I could see the general. I pulled from my backpack the Xe Issued Sniper Rifle I was granted for the mission.



The general dropped to the ground.

A few people around him ducked. Some of them looked around for the killer. One of them yelled out something in spanish and pointed at me.

"Crap" I said to myself, I dropped the gun and ran. I looked for a car. I had a gallon of gas and oil in my backpack just in case. I found an abandoned Toyota Camry. "Pretty fuel effictient" I thought to myself. I set myself up and took off. Before I could get started bullets wizzed past me. A few of the not-so-bright henchmen had tried throwing grenades from two hundred meters away. Fortuately it only slowed them down. I cut it close when one of the bullets barely missed my fuel tank. A few inches to the left and I wouldn't be here to tell you this story. I shot back a few rounds and took some of the henchmen out. The rest of them were taken care of by the fron bumper of my car. After taking out Marquez and his goons. I was satisfied. I drove past the school which I found out was named…"Vernon Middle School" Back at HQ I was granted the platinum badge and a new mission regarding Ryan Wilson. This is life without oil, it ain't pretty…but we have to deal with it.