Dead Man's Hill Beta ready.

Posted by Robineivets on Jan. 28, 2007, 10:13 a.m.

Dead Man's Hill Beta will be up February 7th, And will feature the first level, The Base Escape Level.

In the base escape level, you answer about…three questions and based on your answers, you'll die, or get out.

After you escape the interogation room, you'll blast your way out of the base and into the small town you are in.

This is only the first level, and the intro to the story in the game,

With this game I'm hoping to change the way stories are shown in games on 64digits. This will be a Exlcusive, and with your help, hopefully a Exclusing FRANCHISE, All in all, You can try out the game February 7th…hopefully.


Requiem 18 years ago

No caps for joo.

Robineivets 18 years ago
