Posted by Robineivets on Feb. 1, 2007, 9:30 p.m.

Okay, so the beta will be sent up on the 4th or 6th, that way it'll hopefully be in soon.

For all who have stayed in touch, I hope you enjoy the beta version, as it is kinda cliff-hanger, if you don't like, remember, it's only the beta, and I will edit. The main and best reason for the beta release are actually two…

1. To give all of you who have been keeping up with the project something to reward you,

2. And the most important reason: To get ideas and suggestions on how to improve on the game,

In the level you play…you have 3 short conversations, meet a friend…and watch someone in the game die. Someone you might not expect. The game's main character is fully detailed…and here's his story…

He started out as a police officer but had to give up his badge for going into a building where a hostage was being held by a highly wanted criminal, and went into the military, where he became one of the best army officers in the country, on his mission to Iran, he and his team are captured, all are killed except you…

John Roberts.

Throughout the game you'll see John change and you'll feel for him and hope he makes it through everything.

Don't worry, the name isn't misleading…after the end of the beta, or the first level, you make your way to a house…on Dead Man's Hill.

Well, that's all for now, any comments, questions, concerns, or critisisms…tell me!



Jetstar 18 years ago

This sounds awesome! Name reminds me of a certain horror game for some reason…