Sadness. Complete Sadness. Most of the sprites of DMH were lost. I don't know why…but they just got screwed. I replaced them with crappy sprites…but rightnow…it's just too buggy for the release of beta. I've also been distracted by my shiny new Wii…I'm not sure what to do…I'm thinking of cancelling…It'd look bad…but this thing has been having too much bad luck.
Anyways…other than that…I'm thinking of putting in a demo of the game I'm thinking of working on after DMH…it's called Rockstar…you're a rockstar who is looking for booze, while avoiding groupies…overhead adventure…anyways…that's a maybe.I'm really just too dissapointed. Another thing is it's really time consuming to do all the choices. and rooms. If I released beta anytime soon…it'd get rejected due to it's shortness.I honestly think DMH should be cut. It's really time-consuming…and I could have more games out sooner than this one game. I'm thinking of putting in the back of the To-Do-List and swapping it with Rockstar or something…I'm really mad.I'll probally get a bunch of "Baby!" or "Noone cares!" in the comment section. Anyways…Yeah.Cheers,Stevie Manning