...New Rules For An Old Assassin

Posted by Ronnica on Feb. 20, 2008, 10:08 a.m.

Assassin. Funny word.

I handed the contract over to Boss, signed and all. He smiled, "So, you've decided to keep working for me?"

"Sure looks that way."

"Why? I thought you hated working for me. I'll bet its the trill of doing something right. Or knowing that with every kill you're making the world a better place…"

"I need the money." He laughed at my answer. "I can honestly care less about the people of this town. It's my bank account I'm trying to save, not those people."

"Honest answer. I like that." He said. He then nodded to John who opened the door. "I'll see you around."

I turned around and walked back out to the car with John. He drove me back home.

Before I could get out of the car, he handed me another file. A HUGE file.

"What the heck is this?!"

"You need to read up on the new rules." He said. Sigh. I took the file and said goodnight. Once I got back into bed, I opened up the file and read up on these new 'rules'.

1. Seeing as I'm not only 'of age' I also have more experience than some of the killers. This means that I'm no longer a Trainee. I'm a Leader. So whenever we have to go as a team to kill someone, I get to be team leader! WooT!

2. Due to my experience, I have to give up my 'Super Hero' name, Rowdy Girl, for a Code Name that I'll be using when on a mission. Vanity.

3. "Insert New Identity Here" … Um… Shoot. I need a new name. Crap!! My only options are 'Romana Vhy' and 'Ronnie Inverse'. And a bunch of other papers which are of no use to write about…


Um… Nothing really happening. Mom's still mad at me (what else is new?). My brother should be coming back today from Abbotsford. He went cause it was his best friend's birthday and whatnot. Bastard left me at home with my mom. But he's still the best brother in the world to me.

Gophri's my new favorite kid at school. I got totally pwned at Starcraft at school yesterday. The guys MADE me play. It sucked.

lol Something that made my day yesterday in French 12 class was that we had to mark eachothers quizzes. When we were done, we had to write down who that person reminds you of. This stupid girl said that I reminded her of a Bratz Doll. Everybody did the classic, "Aww…" because I started to blush cause they were all looking at me. Then, this really hot guy said, "I think she thinks you're one of those dolls cause you have really pretty eyes…" which made me blush even redder than usual. Then everybody 'Awwed' even more and it was embarrassing.

Oh well, time for school. I has to go now.

<-Bratz Doll


Don't forget to check out the TGoZ contest. See Stevenup7002 for info.

Also, don't forget to check out the Teleka contest. See obelisk for info.


Castypher 16 years, 11 months ago

This stupid girl said that I reminded her of a Bratz Doll.

Two remarks. First, why do you put "…" as a blog tag?

Second, you'd be a good novelist. Have you tried?

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

I dunno why it shows as "…" but then again, all of my blogs begin with dotdotdot.

I've tried, but I've epically phaled every attempt. XD (failed = phaled on my planet)

Juju 16 years, 11 months ago

It's called ellipsis.

Just for the record, I hate "Bratz." It's a poor excuse for a stereotypical female role model.

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

Please note that it was the Stupid Girl in my class that called me that.

And thanks. I learned something new today!

Juju 16 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, I'm useful when I'm not being cynical = )

Castypher 16 years, 11 months ago

@Ronnica: I've had to restart countless times on one. Another idea got very far, but I found it might be too complicated for a novel. =(

My best novel is still going. ^_^

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

@ Kilin: Thats gooooooooooood!! Whats your novel about?

The story that I'm writing only sounds good now, but just watch it go downhill lol.

@ Juju : being cynical is fun.

ESA 16 years, 11 months ago

Assassin. Funny word.
No actually, it's not funny at all. The name comes from a

group of Shi'ite Muslims called "Hassassins" or "Hashshashins" who inhabited the middle east at the time of the crusades. They attacked crusaders and Seljuk turks (early Ottomans). Their name was adapted, and that's why it's called "Assasin." I don't find anything funny about that.

Castypher 16 years, 11 months ago

My current novel is where I got the name "Kilin" from. I started it when I was about 12 years old, but I always lost it to a computer crash or something.


I've had to restart about 6 times already.

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

@ ESA : A funny word with history.

Jeez, its like everyday someone on 64 tells me something new. I'm being educated by accident. Fun. XD

@ Kilin : That sucks, but I'd like to read what you have so far. Email it to me ^_^