... This Blog Has No Title

Posted by Ronnica on Feb. 28, 2008, 9:01 a.m.

Time for Ronnica to answer Vezper's question:


Do you even have game maker?

No Vez, I don't have Game Maker. Nor do I want GM. I know what it is, but I don't need it. I'm well aware that this is a site that's mostly based on game making, and that blogs are/should just be a side thing.

I'm not gonna get GM either. I'd be degrading it by letting it sit on my computer, never to be used. But in all fairness, does it matter if I have it or not? I admire all these guys for doing what they do. Doesn't that count for something? I think its really cool. It's not like I'm going around telling people that their games suck. No, not at all. I shouldn't have to sell out and get Game Maker to fit in. All I should have to do is be accepting and supportive of everybody and their games, which I am. So, like I said, doesn't that count for something? Does it REALLY matter if I have it or not?


Now, time for a random convo that I had with Andes on msn yesterday regarding my last blog entitled "…Have You Seen My Thong?" :

Andes says:

So anyways

Andes says:

Back to the story on how I saw you

Andes says:

I was in the neighborhood of Canada

[xVanityz] says:


Andes says:

And I was walking down the street, and I see a house that says

Andes says:


[xVanityz] says:


Andes says:

and I'm like hey, I'll go say hi to her

Andes says:

so I climb up a tree to get a look inside, because the door was locked

Andes says:

and lo and behold, there you are, wearing your thong

[xVanityz] says:


Andes says:

So I took a pic and sent it to all the sexual-deprived 64D members

Andes says:

And the whole world of 64D lived happily ever after

Andes says:

lol, my name's Tony too, so when I read the thing about you playing shots with Tony, I was confused

[xVanityz] says:


[xVanityz] says:

I am SOOOOO blogging that tomorrow

XD Where would I be without the 64D community? lol


…'cept Sk8. I love him a little less cause he's mean to me.


Castypher 16 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, don't flame each other. FLAME RONNICA! >=]

Ha, just kidding.

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, don't flame each other. FLAME RONNICA! >=]

Ha, just kidding


… You better hope you were kidding *shakes fist angerly*

Alert Games 16 years, 11 months ago

sk8 is just angry because his life sucks. :D

also, good choice on the game maker thing.

@Kaz: dam. i wish i could have a girlfriend like that

Jabberwock 16 years, 11 months ago

I don't use GM much these days either.

So do you play any of the games, or do you just like the concept of hanging around with a bunch of guys who love videogames too much for their own good or anyone else's? Because I have to tell you, if I weren't one of them, I don't think I'd see the appeal of it.