... Ronnica Is In Trouble XD

Posted by Ronnica on Feb. 29, 2008, 3:46 p.m.

Okai,so, I haven't gone to PE in like, two weeks because my class went like, swimming and stuff and I didin't pay so I didn't bother showing up cause all I would be doing is sitting on the side watching everybody having fun.

Yesterday, when I did go to class, my gym teahcer was like, "So where have you been?" and I explained. It did me no good cause she called my house anyways to tell my parents.

After school, my mom shows up =o If you know my mom then you'd all be like, ONOZ!RUNRONNICARUN!!!! She pulls me inside the school to make an appointment to talk to the principal and my teacher about me missing soo many classes.

When we got into the car, she was all mad and yelling because:

1. I missed class

2. I was hanging around with a bunch of boys (our boy to girl ratio within my friends is about 3:1) so now she thinks I'm a whore

3. She just hates me.

So, she was all like, "When we get home, you're packing up your computer." and I'm like, "Yeah, cause its my computers fault that I'm missing class…" then she got even more mad.

Okai, okai, I know some of you might have parents who are way worse. But when I was in the house, she kept yelling at me. So I said, "If you're gonna yell at me like an animal, then I'm going back to school."

"If you leave, you're not coming back."

"Thats fine with me." So I go to leave. Once I step outside, she PULLS me by my hair and DRAGS me back inside, tosses me in my room and tells me to read a book.

I didn't really wanna blog about that, but since I had nothing else to blog about, I had to settle for my crappy afternoon yesterday.

*sigh* Hope You Guys Are Having A Better Day Than I Did. I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH!!


biggoron 16 years, 10 months ago

@biggron: Hey she likes ALL the things you like! =D

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 10 months ago

Biggoron, that was lovely.

My mom got pretty mad at me when I left the church. In fact, she continues to be mad at me. I ate Hawaiian pizza for dinner tonight and she got angry because I wasn't observing Lent (no meat on Fridays).

And I'm going to Hell for premarital sexual relations and experimenting with the effect of fire on "the evil giggle weed."

Lethal 16 years, 10 months ago

"the evil giggle weed."
Lol, wut ;P?

Jabberwock 16 years, 10 months ago

Hope things get better for you. I have good relations with all of my family members, and I keep on forgetting that that's not normal.

@biggoron - I knew a girl who liked Zelda too, and she was straight even. She even liked me, for a while, but now she despises me for some reason I'm not entirely sure of. Unfortunate.

Ronnica 16 years, 10 months ago

I just found out my brother convinced my mom not to take away my computer. I have no idea how he did it. Now I owe him one.

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 10 months ago

Marijuana is a leaf, not a drug..
I could say the same about a variety of substances. Ecstasy is a pill, not a drug, right?

Ronnica 16 years, 10 months ago

Okay, I know Ronnica's blog is a great place to talk about drugs, but its preferred that you don't. Thank you ^_^

SquareWheel 16 years, 10 months ago

Cheap viagra right here. I figure Ronnies blog is the best place to sell it.


F1ak3r 16 years, 10 months ago

Who changed your hit counter?

Castypher 16 years, 10 months ago

Aww, sorry Ronnica. Glad to hear that you can continue to work on your computer.