... Vengeance Be Sweet

Posted by Ronnica on March 4, 2008, 11:46 a.m.


Hello everybody! I missed you all a lot ^_^

Went to my mentor/friend/sister type thing's wedding. It was really nice. She's like an older version of me, so it was all done the way I would've expected it to be. Very pink haha.

A lot of people who I haven't seen since I moved (7 months now) were all like, "OMG ITS VERONICA!!" and I was like ^_^"

Okay, the best part was that yesterday, (the day after the wedding) I got to go visit my friends at my old school. Before school let out for the summer, there was this boy whom I liked. But, he was calling me fat and stuff behind my back. My friends told me things that he would say about me, and that really made me mad. So, two days before summer break, I walked up behind him right when he was saying, "I'd totally do Veronica, if she lost like 200 pounds." With that I said, "Hi." and he looked at me and I pushed him down the stairs XD

Now, When I went yesterday to visit, I saw him. I'm little more fit now and I guess its noticeable. That same kid walked up to me as if I've forgiven him for being a jerk and he said, "Wanna go out with me?!" and I was like, "Fuck no."

"Oh, so now that you're all that, you think you're too good for me? Well, you're a bitch." and with that, I gave him a left hook right in the jaw and everybody cheered ^_^ I'm very proud of myself. A year ago, I would've cried and probably eaten a whole tub of ice cream. But now, violence is and should always be the answer XD

The super hero story stuff will continue tomorrow after today's mission. ; )



Cpsgames 16 years, 11 months ago

Went to my mentor/friend/sister type thing's wedding. It was really nice.
Thats good :D

there was this boy whom I liked. But, he was calling me fat and stuff behind my back.
Hes just a little fag…

Cpsgames 16 years, 11 months ago

Sorry for the double post but, nice new banner

Cesque 16 years, 11 months ago

Masculinely speaking, being fat is not an issue of being called so, it is an issue of being fat. >_<

I'll love you if you make the font of your blog slightly darker ^_^

That's the most retarded thing I have ever heard. What if he had snapped his neck? He could have had a concussion, been sent into a coma, or even suffered severe mental problems, leaving him a rusk for the rest of his life.

You blatantly don't think at all before you act.

Let's face it: Most girly girls are pretty secure with being violent with no prospect of being struck back. :P

OL 16 years, 11 months ago

With that I said, "Hi." and he looked at me and I pushed him down the stairs
I gave him a left hook right in the jaw and everybody cheered

Who's the real bully?

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

Teeee heeeeee heeeeeeee =D

Castypher 16 years, 11 months ago


10 stairs, huh? CEMENT STAIRS? Either way, that's dangerous. Like I said, people will say things about you to bug you.

That new, less pink avatar made me think the font was a darker pink. I was wrong. >=(

abacus 16 years, 11 months ago

Awesome ass-whooping