... Life In My Pants

Posted by Ronnica on March 6, 2008, 9:28 p.m.

I didn't blog this morning and I think it was a good thing. Once I came home from school and cleared my screen saver, I noticed that I had like 6 msn convos blinking. I checked them all and they had all the same message, "VEZPER IS A GUY!" XD Congrats to ludamad for being the first to tell me.

So yesterday as soon as I walked into the Electronics room at school, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Something pink.

I walked right over to it (and everybody laughed) and realized that it was a pink TV. Mr G told me that another teacher had given it to him because they said it was broken. They told him that if he fixed it he could keep it.

I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. "Do you want it?" Mr G asked me.

"Of course I do!" I answered.

By last break, it was fixed! (Apparently all he had to do was hole the 'display' button for 3 seconds.) It was funny because when I walked in the room, the TV was sitting on the table closest to the door with a big strip of tape that said, "VERONICA'S TV." Everybody loved my reaction. All I could say was, "Aww!!" and blush uncontrollably.

So now I have a new(ish) pink TV that I'm gonna use for my Gamecube XD

On a more… depressing note, my friend has been in the worst mood ever. His mom died 5 years ago on March 26 so he's very emotional these days. I can't blame him but when you ask him "Whats up?" and he answers with "Fuck off!!" you kinda tend not to care. It can't really be helped but my other friend had a chat with him about treating people nicely even though you feel like shit.

But! - My geeks at school have been teaching me how to play as Protoss on Starcraft. I think I'm pretty good at it too. I might just be able to play against ludamad properly now XD That badge is sooo mine!


Thats my TV ->



–>| Iceofsweden (~chatzilla@81-237-244-207-no52.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #64digits

=-= YOU are now known as Grand-High|sad

<PY|happy> OSHI-

<Grand-High|sad> Hi Vezper.

<Iceofsweden> Hello

<Iceofsweden> What?

<PY|happy> LOL

<Grand-High|sad> lol

<PY|happy> Owned

<awaygly> LOL

<Grand-High|sad> nay

<Iceofsweden> Owned by what?

<Grand-High|sad> Pwned

<PY|happy> Yourself

<Grand-High|sad> We know you're really Vez.

<awaygly> LOL

<Iceofsweden> Hehe

<awaygly> Iceofsweden

<awaygly> Seriously

<Iceofsweden> Yes

<awaygly> I knew it was you

<Iceofsweden> I know xD


Kenon 16 years, 11 months ago

… Life In My Pants
Bet it's warm.

Theodore III 16 years, 11 months ago

Starcraft rocks =D

Cpsgames 16 years, 11 months ago


Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

@ Kenon : =P

@ Theo : OMG I KNOW RIGHT?!?!!? XD

@ Cps: Get over it!

Cpsgames 16 years, 11 months ago

I will not get over my pink phobeia. :P So I hall type in blue.. or black.. nahhh just blue

Theodore III 16 years, 11 months ago

@ Theo : OMG I KNOW RIGHT?!?!!? XD
lol, I haven't played for a while though =(

Good to see you got your old banner back, much better IMO =D

Omega_Squid 16 years, 11 months ago

lolwhat? I think that the fantomn modd, aka the scapesquid, is up to blame for this!

Cesar 16 years, 11 months ago

yes, I will type in a color every day now >_>

sirxemic 16 years, 11 months ago

Ha! Negative pink!

Why did I always suspect that from the beginning on?

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

I'm still like, in shock about Vez being a guy. She was such a bitch towards me so I was like, OMG I'M GONNA KILL THAT COW! but now I dont have to XD