... May Contain Traces Of Stupid

Posted by Ronnica on March 17, 2008, 7:03 p.m.

I borrowed my brothers mp3 (without asking) and went throught his music. All he has is video game music. There's noting wrong with that, but I think its funny. I mean, one minute you're listening to the incredible guitar rifs from Guiltry Gear X and then it'll switch to Final Fantasy's smooth Balaam Garden or something. I've found my favorit album however. The sound track from Need For Speed: Pro Street. Pretty trippy stuff.

Spring break starts today and so I have two weeks to do nothing. Since I've been listening to my brothers music though, I've brainstormed this whole music video to one of the songs from NFS:PS. I called up my creative consultant and she thought it would be fun to make a video. The weather is beautiful so we could do some out door shots and whatnot. The song is 'Atlantis To Interzone' by Klaxons (EA Trax version). It's rather random but it fits perfectly for what I wanna do.

It's just me and my creative consultant running around and constantly bumping into eachother. Some jumping off roofs and climbing trees. I think I might make it into a random commercial of some sort. Got any ideas? No? Okay, moving on.

So this morning I was assigned to a solo assignment cause Boss wanted to make sure I wasn't losing my touch and that it was just problems with the team and nothing else. Wasn't all that interesting. See him, shoot him, run away. I'd go into details, but there really wasn't anything interesting about this kill.

Never thought I'd be wishing for school so early into the break. Pitiful.


PS. I miss Gophri and Square Wheel =( HOPE YOU GUYS ARE HAVING MORE FUN THAN I AM!


The Lyrics To Klaxons 'Atlantis To Interzone'

Good thieves of burning cars encirle poisend rivers minds and hearts.

Horses want to dance but find their wings are damaged : water damaged

Gold is selling well but hurry mighty ocean rising fast

A big man with a Plan has got a storm a coming : monster coming

From Atlantis to INterzone

You start at the end and you end on your own.

From Atlantis to INterzone

You start at the edge and you end on the throne.

Yer dead man half alive who hangs from helping numbers 1.2.5.

His ears pricked with their knife hears that the east are coming west are coming

From Gravity's Rainbow ; the axis here is still unknown

The children's faces glow.

The wasteland guides them : wasteland guides them


Cpsgames 16 years, 11 months ago

Cpsgames is obsessed with Cpsgames

ESA 16 years, 11 months ago

How the hell did you get 4 warns? Anway…

I LOVE YOU TOO! Oh no wait… that's stevenup7002.


Josea 16 years, 11 months ago

Eh, you have a warn, what did you do? refuse sex with somebody of the staff?

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

@ Stevenup and everyone else against the name change : You guys can keep calling me Ronnica. I mean, I'm not changing my banner or anything else (for awhile). Its just the user name! Get over it!

Castypher 16 years, 11 months ago

I'm liek…"Who the hell is Vanity?"

Then I took a guess. Then I clicked. Surely enough, it was Ronni. At least the banner is staying. ^_^

It is staying, right? T_T

Ronnica 16 years, 11 months ago

Of course its staying ^_^

Cpsgames 16 years, 11 months ago

Nuh uh

PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Damnit, you got an extra hit from me.

Also, why are you warned?

CPS got picks of him haxxin tacked, and got 4.

frenchcon1 16 years, 11 months ago

I'm just waiting here to see when the novelty is going to die down.

frenchcon1 16 years, 11 months ago

Note; that song is ok, but this blog requires some Melodic Death.

This is a ghost town

We lie on the edges of failure's fled

Lead on by shining faces, levelling extremes

What used to be, our humility is gone

Walk around, with skull and bones

We're living just to die

I see more moments indict of decision

The windows are our lights

It is the only place I know, where death is most alive

It is where truth is turned to lie, where death is most alive

Set flame to the ensnarers, we'll pierce their wooden shield

Branded by what claims you

You wear the mark of death

In death and loss and agony, a character defined

Stripped of all the tragedy

What life is left to fight

Go now, until there's nothing left

Go now, the dying has begun

It is the only place I know, where death is most alive

It is where truth is turned to lie, where death is most alive

So I flee from all that is me

To hide behind this pale, dead face

Whatever happened to desire, want and need

Whatever happened to integrity

Imagination is a cause in all of this

Whatever happened was left behind

This is a ghost town

Our bodies scattered in the streets

Go now, to never return

I've seen more pitiful humiliation

That you could never hide

It is the only place I know, where death is most alive

It is where truth is turned to lie, where death is most alive

[Terminus (Where Death Is Most Alive) Lyrics]