... Rawrlicious

Posted by Ronnica on March 19, 2008, 10:19 p.m.

Note: This whole week my Personal Messages on MSN starts with 'This Girl…' and then I've written something totally random. Like, right now it says, "This Girl Put A Coffee Grinder In The Microwave" I didn't really, but my friend Ryan said I should write it lol Got any ideas for a new pm starting with "This Girl…'' ?

I woke up rather early this morning. First thing I saw when I opened my eyes was my NASCAR Barbie sitting in her box on my dresser. My Barbie reminds me of what I'm striving for in life. One day, I wanna drive in a NASCAR race. Then I started to remember all my goals in life. Voice acting being one of them. Stevenup hired me to do a voice for a character in the game ID (then, TGoZ). I thought for a moment, 'Can I do this?' So I got up and got ready. I looked in the mirror and then tried doing voices. Surprise. I sucked. So I got online and bitched and then worked on my vocals like my coach had taught me to back in my old town (Yes, I used to sing) and tried to come up with a good enough voice for my character. Fail.

After vocaling for an hour, I went to my room to practice my dancing for about another hour. Or two… I like dancing XD I do a really weak robot so I kept practicing so that it actually looked like the robot and not some sort of stiff dance. It looks better but its still not totally pro. I've also decided what I'm gonna do for my music video. Its gonna be a water commercial for the water my mom buys. Not the fancy water, just regular water. I was inspired when I was dancing. I threw my water bottle up in the air and caught it with my left hand. But when I caught it, it looked as if I was gonna smack it. It was a cool grab-catch (and yes I know I'm not very good at explaining things).

So the intro to it will be my friend challenging me to something and then the whole video of us running around trying to be cool (and I might robot) then at the end, she'll have the water bottle and kinda toss it up and walk away but then I come up and grab-catch it and drink out of it. The way its played out in my mind is actually pretty neat.

So, when I wan't singing like a crow or dancing like a fool I was online chatting away with KillPill (Whom I call Icky) and Stevenup and Puri and Sk8trix (thats what I call him) and yeah… It's all a blur! I'm really tired from all the dancing and being stupidness. And if you haven't noticed, I tend to put peoples names together to come up with a nickname. Like Sk8m8trix = Sk8trix and Square Wheel = Squeel. There not very good names but what matters is that I came up with them XD If you want me to, I'll see what I can do with your name ^_^ Just for fun.

BTW, here's the casting list for ID :

Jack - leemcd56

Dante - KillPill28

Dominic - KillPill28

Vanessa - [xVanityz] (me)

Drake - Stevenup7002



OMG ! Know how everyone likes saying 'Rawr' ? Well, I've brought the word to a whole new level!




frenchcon1 16 years, 11 months ago

Anyway, everytime a women gets behind the wheel of a NASCAR Sprint Cup car, they never do good, because they aren't good enough, however, one day, somebody will be.

That was a terribly constructed sentence.