... 4500 [xyz]

Posted by Ronnica on April 1, 2008, 9:33 a.m.

If you're my 4500th hit, please save a screen shot and send it to me pleeeeeeeeeease!! 45 is my favorite number so 4500 is like, 1000 times better!


Yesterday, KillPill and Stevenup and I were talking about our scars. KP totally won for most scars, but I think I won for the best one XD

When I was about 11 years old, my parents got me a cat to see if I could handle responsibility and hopefully smarten up (thats about the same time I started becoming all rebellious). On the second day of bringing kitty home, I was sitting on the couch cradling her in my arms when my dad started vacuuming. Since the cat had never expected it, she freaked out and tried to hide behind the couch, jumping over my left shoulder to do so. But because I was holding her and because she was a stupid animal, one of her hind paws got caught in my sweater and she ended up cutting about a 6 inch line on my chest. Its really cool to look at. STOPSTARRINGATMYCHEST!

The cool thing about it, is that people are always asking me about it. "Wow, thats a pretty cool scar. How'd you get it?" XD

And being an actor, I put on my most serious face and say, "When I was 8 years old, I was kidnapped, raped and left for dead on the side of a road…" and then they go, =O "Really?" and then I say, "No. Cat." and they have themselves a good laugh and complement me on my acting XD

I also have this really ugly scar on my right knee from skidding on the track while jumping hurdles in 7th grade. It was really gross cause I had little pebbles stuck in my skin that we had to dig out. It looks like a '?' but it has a line through it so it looks like a '$' too. XD

My question of the week is: Do you have a super cool scar? If so, how'd you get it?!!?!?!


PS. My step dad moved out, my mom is happy, my big brother gets paid today so we should be getting a Wii this week!




ESA 16 years, 6 months ago

Come to think of it, MS Paint would do the job fine as well :D

edmunn 16 years, 6 months ago

4503 =[

frenchcon1 16 years, 6 months ago

I almost cut my finger off while using my knife. Everyone who sees it goes 'ow' =P

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

Sorry, 4510. I'll GIMP is for ya, though. :D

ESA 16 years, 6 months ago

Gimp be Pimp.

Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 6 months ago

I've got a mark tattoed under my tumb where some guy in my form stabbed me with a pen. It's been there for months, bled like hell when I got it.

flashback 16 years, 6 months ago

I have one finger on my right hand, whose knuckle is COVERED in scars- if something is going to get scarred in a situation, it is that knuckle. I've had chunks taken out of it, sliced, everything you can imagine. I felt somewhat cheated when I got my latest injury, from the staff room couch at work that I was moving, which has nails in the bottom for some reason, and thus cut my pointer finger on my right hand. I wouldn't be surprised if the scar on that finger migrates to the knuckle for no terribly apparent reason.

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

Haha, I know your pain.

I don't have many scars :( (Or is that :)?)

Anyway, turns out everyone who said they got more than 4.5k was lying!

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

@flashback: Pics or it didn't happen. >=o

That sounds frustrating, though. I'd have torn it off by now, saying how cursed it was.

"OUCH! I broke my bloody finger! Oh, that one again. Figures."

Cpsgames 16 years, 6 months ago

I have a scar in the side of the lower part of my leg, from hitting a four wheeler.

Fat was hanging out of my leg after it happened. Amazingly… i felt no pain.