... Lets Try This Again

Posted by Ronnica on April 3, 2008, 10:15 a.m.

I originally entitled this blog, '…The End' but then I accidentally had a stupid moment and exited Firefox and have to rewrite what I had written.

For those of you wondering why this blog was first entitled, '…The End,' I quit my job as an assassin yesterday. I mean, I'll probably still be killing people but I wont belong to HQ or work for Boss or anything like that. And it had nothing to do with the new team. I just don't wanna be there anymore.

Moving on! Okay, for the ones that don't care about that (the vast majority of you) and are wondering about my ludabadge *happy dance* I didn't earn it the way I was supposed to. I didn't beat luda at Starcraft because I haven't had the chance to play. I earned it by doing what he asked me to do… That doesn't sound right… teeheehee…

And yes, I've changed my avatar for the the millionth time. I change avatars as often as I do clothing- not often enough! XD

Half day today because of parent and teacher interviews. Hopefully my mom is unaware and wont want to talk to my teachers. Well, my PE teacher atleast =P

Speaking of school, I'm doing the French 12 AP exam. I think I get credits towards graduation if I pass. Which I will. But it costs $50 to do =/ Its not that much, but still, it sucks having to pay to do a test that'll help go towards college, which you will be paying for anyways…



About this video: Its my 'baby brother' beating me up. Note that he is not really my brother. Just the kid that I've known most of my life. He might as well be my brother. Its on my friend's account, but if you want to add me to your youtube account, my username is: ronniekid

Add away ^_^



Ice of sweden 16 years, 6 months ago

Weird video i must say…

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, especially since the title has something to do with rape. <_<

Watching random YouTube videos at school on a public connection isn't always a great idea. D=

@ Flash: … did you look at my password?
Well, judging by the site's security, I'd doubt it was MD5 encrypted at the very least. If so, Flashback can't see it, which means it's TIME TO GUESS RONNICA'S PASSWORD.


sirxemic 16 years, 6 months ago

The password is


Kenon 16 years, 6 months ago

No the pass is FlashbacksEvilNinjaCommander

Cesar 16 years, 6 months ago

ludabadge with 2 months into the site?


well, you've only got one of the 4 badges needed to defeat the boss of 64digits, JakeEX. He's hard, his health is in exponential notation (anybody who was here with the RPG remembers JakeEX)

I has 3/4, if only I had Ace02's badge, I would be able to BATTLE JakeEX. But alas, I has only the Ludabadge, Foxbadge and BadgeX

Ronnica 16 years, 6 months ago

She's lied to us all!

I like how evil you make me seem XD

Firebird 16 years, 6 months ago

md5 isn't an encryption

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

@Firebird: If you must be so technical, I suppose it's more of a hash. Remember I've never finished my login system, therefore I am not very good with PHP. ;_;

Cpsgames 16 years, 6 months ago

:O A name change!

So many name changes!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! *kills self*

Ronnica 16 years, 6 months ago

:O No Cps! You have to live!!!