... Luda Approves This Blog. NOT

Posted by Ronnica on April 8, 2008, 9:57 a.m.

Okay, usually I just adore my older brother, but he has to learn when enough is enough. My mom and I went grocery shopping on Sunday (WooT Costco!) and she had decided to buy a box of cookies. At our house, thats like, a treat cause my brother(s) usually finish that stuff up in a day. See, thats the problem. It is now Tuesday and we are out of cookies because someone *glares at older brother* ate the whole box in just two days! I got a few, but still! I mean, dude! Stop hogging all the cookie goodness!

You know what's awkward? Yesterday, I got 3 calls from people looking for my step dad. He moved out two weekends ago and I know people can't help it if they're not informed, but it was kinda weird when they'd ask, "Do you know when he'll be back?" -_-'


I had this really crazy dream! I woke up not too long ago so its fresh in my memory! Okay:

Its me and I'm in the future. Everything looked really cool but the weird thing was that I was holding a baby! As I was walking around the town, I passed by this tavern-bar thing. It was cool cause it was western-futuristic looking. When I walked by, I could feel the old drunk guys watching me and when I turned around, someone threw a knife at me!! I dodged it by hiding behind a huge pillar. This one guy says, "We know its you! Come out and fight!" But I couldn't fight because I was holding this baby! So I made a run for it. It was epically James Bond-like. All I remember was being shot at and running for my life, and I remember thinking, "I could totally fight back if it wasn't for this baby!"

The weird thing is that I've dreamed of holding a baby before. My friend says I'm 'subconsciously pregnant'. And not too long ago, an old friend of mine messaged me telling me that she had a dream that I was getting married because I was pregnant. I mean, c'mon! Of all things, why must I be child-baring?! Why can't I be missing an arm or the other half of my brain?! Or be totally mutated or something? …But it does make for a good story. Especially considering that the story that I wanted to write about the 19th century lovers isn't really working out. Actually I think thats what I'll do. A story about a girl with a bounty on her head who is unexpectedly a mother and even though she wants to fight back against local bounty hunters, she can't cause she has to take care of the baby. I should get writing this while I'm still inspired. Hmm… Anymore ideas?

Gah. I forgot I have to go school. I got in trouble yesterday and I was told that if I don't care about my PE class, then I should go anymore. So what do I do right now? I have PE but if my teacher says, "You should come to class. But if you don't care then don't…" so what do I do? Pfft. Teachers are stupid. I mean, what kind of an idiot goes to school for 13 years, then goes to school for another 4 years so that they can teach in a school for another 20 years?! No one is that crazy!! Thats why, I theorize that teachers are really aliens who by teaching us younger humans, will take over the world. Admit it, our teachers help mold us to belong into society. Now if aliens are 'molding us' then they are possibly making us create a society like theirs. Then eventually we will become a product of the aliens and we will be taken over!!

- This is much to in depth for me. I think I'll return to 'Stupid Girl' mode. Has anyone seen my eyeliner?



Ronnica 16 years, 6 months ago

@ Sk8trix : NO!

@ Flash : ?!

@ Ed : Sorry?

@ firestorm : lol you got lucky this time =P

@ Kilin : *won't admit it*

Gophri 16 years, 6 months ago

At user request I shall post. :P

flashback 16 years, 6 months ago
Ronnica 16 years, 6 months ago

@ Gophris : =P

@ Flash : Crazy! 'Cept there weren't any horses.

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

@Ronni: Don't…don't tell me you're in love with steven.

*grabs wooden club*

Ronnica 16 years, 6 months ago

@ Kilinkins : LOL

flashback 16 years, 6 months ago

No horses in the dream or in Firefly? 'Cause there be horses in Firefly.

KaBob799 16 years, 6 months ago

Kamira (my little brother) eats cookies before they even exist.

Cpsgames 16 years, 6 months ago

HA Kilinkins

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

@Ronni: It's Killykins. D=

And you don't have my MSN, do you? Because that's my current screen name. <_<

If not, then…