... Old Women, Fighting and Fonts

Posted by Ronnica on April 28, 2008, 7:33 p.m.

I got a haircut on Saturday. I only needed a trim so my mom took me to this really crappy salon. It was run by a bunch of old women "-_- So I go in and everything's arranged. The old lady doing my hair asks, "So what's your name?"

"I'm Veronica."

"Oooooh, what a pretty name…" later on she started calling me Victoria >< So, she starts cutting at my hair. I told her no more than an inch. She was taking off two inches. Not a big deal, but when your hair is curly, it tends to look shorter when dry, and she was cutting two inches off wet hair. Also, when she was done, she tried drying my hair with a hair drying set to the lowest setting. I have really thick hair so it took forever. Funny part was she kept asking, "Are you sure its not too hot?" Then she started brushing it out. She put most of it infront of my face and brushed it like that, combing my face too =P By the time she was done, my face was really red with lines from the brush.

Anyways, interesting day at school. For some strange reason, everybody was very violent. Personally, I like it when the going gets tough. Its just amusing in my opinion. Even ask Gophri XD He and one of our friends were just playing around rather rough, and our friend ended up on the ground, so I jumped on him. Unfortunately, he was in mixed martial arts, so he tried to get me into some weird hold while I was on top of him still on the ground. Right when I said, "This is uncomfortable," a teacher comes out of his classroom and says, "What are you guys doing?" It was so awkward. So we went outside (yeah, we were fighting in the hallway) just to form a circle of violence. I was the only girl (as usual) so it was fun. I fail at fighting but atleast I have great effort =P I pushed Gophri and he actually fell over XD But I think he was just humoring me ><

Finally, at the end of the day, Square Wheel got a taste of the violent me. He was holding me as usual, then he started tickling me. Incase you've forgotten, I'm extremely ticklish and hate it. I tried squirming out of his hold and then for forty minutes or so, he tried hugging me without me hitting/pinching/biting/scratching him back. It was really funny. Then I got Gophri to help me beat him up XD You wont believe how enthusastic people get when you give them permission to beat up your boyfriend =P

I really had nothing intersting to blog about, but I don't like going too long without blogging so atleast I tried. A for effort …?

AlertGames - I'm glad you like my picture =P

ESA - Thanks for mentioning me in your blog ^_^

Sk8 - I like it when you take your shirt off

Cps - You're so cool

Square Wheel - Do it.


Gophri - I'll try not to suggest anymore make-out situations =P


PS. I CHANGED MY FONT to an even darker pink ^_^


SquareWheel 16 years, 5 months ago

Fake BB Code is so old.

Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

That's crazy…certainly beats my record. <_<

Cpsgames 16 years, 5 months ago

*throws a brick at steve*

:O Wes! Why did you do that??

SquareWheel 16 years, 5 months ago

Oh, you threw one too?


Cpsgames 16 years, 5 months ago

Heh, we should hide steves body.

*drags steve behind McDonalds*

Ronnica 16 years, 5 months ago

No more fighting in the next blog.