... I Blame You !

Posted by Ronnica on May 13, 2008, 9:26 a.m.

Just to sum up what you've missed.

[Thursday] -> I Blame Gophri

Damnit Gophri! I told you to blog about what happened on Thursday!!!

[Friday] -> I Blame The Stupid

I set my hand on fire that day, remember? I ended up getting first degree burns and a few laughs out of it. My older brother (whom I rarely see now cause he's always working) was rather impressed by my skill to do stupid things without fear. He didn't encourage it though haha.

[Saturday] -> I Blame The Prom

Saturday was prom night for my school. Last year, my brother's friend dumped me for my friend but neither of us ended up going to prom. This year, my 'twin' brother didn't want to go. If he had gone, he would've taken me. But he didn't so I didn't. I'd say it was unfair but it was his decision. I wish we went though =( I live for that kinda stuff. I love planning out outfits and dresses and figuring out how we're gonna do things for something so important. But whatever.

My friend who ate the lemon and was allergic to it, lived (thank God). She's in grade 10 and her boyfriend (grade 12) went to prom together. I had the honour of doing her hair and makeup. I pretty much co-ordinated their whole thing too. When she didn't know what kinda dress to get, I told her to get an orange one. Then we had this huge discussion that she thought it wouldn't look good, so I then suggested yellow. She didn't take me seriously. But then prom night came along, and she was wearing a yellow prom dress ^_^ I TOLD YOU SO! Her date picked her up at my house and I took a few pictures. They looked really good together and he later thanked me for making her look more beautiful. Awww lol

[Sunday] -> I Blame Mom

Mothers day here in Canada. My mommy works from 5am to 8am, so I made her breakfast. She and my aunt (my aunt lives with us) came home to a neatly set up table with the bestest breakfast I've ever made. 3 pancakes per plate along with scrambled eggs and a side of ham.Coffee and buttered toast. I also cleaned up quite a bit in the kitchen. She was so proud =P Later on that night, we were gonna go to church, but then my older brother says to me, "Okay kid, get dressed. We're going to go see Speed Racer." The 'get dressed' part did not mean I was naked. It meant I was in my house clothes and not presentable for the rest of the world. So I changed into my nicer clothes and convinced my mom to let us go see Speed Racer instead of spending time with her at church. My oldest brother's pretty much "mommy's little baby" so he did all the convincing. He's the coolest.

So, Speed Racer. I grew up watching the anime every morning at like, 4am with my brother. XD I'm not that stupid, I know it looks horrible. The animation isn't that great and after the first 20 minutes, you can pretty much see the green screen. But the cool part is that they did it just like the old cartoon. The smallest deltails made me smile, and the acting looked fake, but that's only because they were really trying to impersonate the characters from the original series. A really good job I must say. The only thing that really made the movie memorable was the dialogue. The acting was soo cartoony, but the dialogue was really intense.

Another funny thing was that I saw TalkySphere (Cameron) there. He's the first of my school friends to meet my older brother. It's quite the honour to meet him considering he works his butt off and has never visited me at school before. Cam and I spoke a bit before the previews started. He told me about prom and stuff but I'm pretty sure he's gonna blog about it so I can't say anything =P It's hard being one of four friends who go to the same school and talk about the same things. We gotta be creative when we blog so that we don't just tell other peoples stories and stuff. Which is why, GOPHRI! BLOG ALREADY!

[/Life] -> I Blame The Kid

I know this blog doesn't really flow, but that's because I'm babysitting my neighbours 2year old kid right now. I'm rather distracted, but thanks to Barnie, so is he. No, seriously. He's watching Barnie right now. What's wrong with children these days ? Dora and Diego are the way to go XD EWW!! I think he's pooping!!!! It stinks!!! They didn't leave any diapers either!!!! Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!!!!! Gah, I feel sick ><






Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

The only people who can win the game must lose the game beforehand.