... Blog House 3

Posted by Ronnica on May 16, 2008, 10:05 a.m.

T.G.I.R. !! That's right! Thank 'God' It's Ronnie XD Today, I've decided to throw a party in honour of my 8000th hit ^_^ For this one time only, I'll allow alcohol in my Blog House. "Use and Abuse" that's what I always say XD I got a new room put into my BH. It's my new office, but the walls are fish aquariums =D Pretty cool, eh? I've got tons of fish now. There's also a serperate aquarium that's like, the door frame and it has piranhas in it. That way, when you leave the room, the piranhas all go to eat you but they can't. The only problem is that I gotta go to the bathroom every fifteen minutes. Slows me down when I'm trying to do… something… (I was gonna say 'work' but we all know better XD) Actually, speaking of work, I came up with a really good idea for another story!

After school for like, the past month, Gophri, SquareWheel, me and our friends have been gathering to play Hacky Sack. This week, while we were playing, I started to think of all the movies that are based on sports and stuff. I mean, there are football movies (THAT KICK ASS!) and dance movies (THAT KICK ASS!) but I doubt there are movies on rugby or hacky sack. So, anyways, I've decided to write a story about a group of characters that play hacky sack. While they're playing, a passer-by tells them that they should go to some park or something where a bunch of people get together and play. The group of friends consider it, and they go. What they see there just drives them to do better and start competing in some 'underground' hacky sack world where things get really intense and dangerous. I'm using all of our real names and Gophri's the main character because he's totally ninja when he plays. Opinions? I know it sounds really lame, "Yeah, underground world of hacky sack. Whatever." But I mean, it's a story (and hopefully a movie one day) so I can experiment, right?

*Lays down on one of those pool chairs* So enjoy yourselves this blog. Just, don't be trowing bananas at eachother. And come outside, it's really nice ( I got sunburn on my nose from yesterday >< ) And also, no more messing with Cps's dirt bike. Fireworks start at midnight. En-feaking-joy.




Ronnica 16 years, 5 months ago

A grave stone for your bike? *sighs* Fiiiiine…

frenchcon1 16 years, 5 months ago

The sleepover was great fun, we ate pizza, watched the Matrix on the computer, threw beanbags at each other, then fell asleep at 4 in the morning. I woke up halfway through, but went back to sleep. When we woke up, we went outside with beefburgers for the barbecue. I lit a fire (burning that dirt bike AGAIN >_>), then we toasted marshmallows until it was time to go home.

SquareWheel 16 years, 5 months ago

Poor CPS. =[

SquareWheel 16 years, 5 months ago

CPS, what did you do to Steven with your bike?


Cpsgames 16 years, 5 months ago

…NOTHING! *wispering to steve* Have the tire marks came out yet?

frenchcon1 16 years, 5 months ago