... Rowdy Girl Is Back!

Posted by Ronnica on May 20, 2008, 9:23 a.m.


Kneed my exboyfriend in the balls. It was kinda funny cause he's always like, "You'll never get me. You fail. You fail at life. Go die." So right when I had the chance, I kneed him. See, he's the violent type. So as soon as I kneed him, I just RAN outside. He managed to run after me shouting, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!" Then I stopped running and was like, "Go ahead." and all he did was look at me and then he just went back inside where a teacher gave him hell for yelling in the hallway. So after school, we were playing hacky sack as usual, he kept kicking the sack at my chest and at my head, but he really sucks at it so I only got hit a few times.


I had a good weekend. I went shopping and got some clothes and a spiffy summer dress. Doubt I'll ever wear it though XD My older brother bought us three bento boxes of sushi and we took them home to eat. Not a good idea to eat a box and a half of sushi. We learned our lesson ><


My cousins from Richmond came down to visit so we decided to have a bbq. My bro and I accompanied our mom to the store to get food. Real fun and scary. See, when it's just me and my older brother, we get really crazy. I walk next to him as he pushes the shopping cart, but to us, the shopping cart is a Nissan Skyline and we're in a very intense sprint race. It's like cartoon: my mom is getting bananas or something and in the background it's me and my brother running back and forth with the shopping cart, bearly dodging other shoppers and employees XD But then we went home to get the bbq started. My twin and baby brothers came over too. It's really great to have them over, but the problem is that they can't leave their game controllers for a second so the whole evening it was like, "Rooooonnnnieeeeee, can you get me a soda ?" or "Roooonnnieeeee, can you get me some more steak ?" and "Roooooonnnnieeeeeee, can you take my plate to the garbage tooooo ?" "Roooonnieeeeee, can you get the remote ?" "-_- Don't get me wrong, I love serving my brothers, but being asked constantly for things gets annoying. "It's good practice for when you have to start serving your husband" they say.


Yesterday was Victoria Day in good ol' Canada so I got the day off school. I didn't do much other than go on msn and play A LOT of Tetris. Did I tell you guys I beat Steven at Tetris? Cause I did, and victory is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet XD

I left early and randomly however. I was at the computer just chatting away when I heard a familiar car horn. I quickly got up and ran to the window. There, outside my house, was John in the black car. I ran outside to meet him. "What are you doing here?!" I asked.

"We need your help to bring down Dante." He said.

"WHAT?! The team hasn't taken him out yet?!"

"Not even close. We've fired them all. We need you to just pull the trigger and take him out, like you used to."

"From a distance? I can do that."

"Well," he said, "You might need to go undercover…"


So I go to that club where Dante and his men hang out, all dressed up so that no one will recognize me. Finally, after trying to get his attention all night, he takes my hand and leads me into some club office. He sits down in the chair and expects me to do 'something'. Since I was wanting to get this over with to prove Pride that I was better than him, I quickly pull my gun from my leg holster and pulled the trigger. Right between the eyes. Honestly, lucky shot. I was aiming for his neck XD



Extravisual 16 years, 5 months ago

Kneeing people in the balls is not funny in the least.

sludgames 16 years, 5 months ago

i don't think she realizes the extreme pain…

the extreme RELENTLESS pain

Extravisual 16 years, 5 months ago

Oh, and Juju, no kids make penis jokes at 8, you must have been really screwed up.

Biggs 16 years, 5 months ago

Are you kidding? I laugh profusely when I see someone get kneed in the groin, then rolling on the ground in the terrible, terrible crushing pain. But maybe that's just me.

Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

Taking advantage of a guy's most painful area. Not very nice. About as funny as a dead cat, HUH?

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 5 months ago

I'd tell you how evil it is to knee a guy in the balls, but if your ex was able to run after you following the incident, you obviously missed. That, or he has no balls.

But still. It's not a laughing matter.

SquareWheel 16 years, 5 months ago

if your ex was able to run after you following the incident, you obviously missed.
That's what I was thinking. To run after a true sacking truly seems impossible.

Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

It IS a laughing matter when you get kneed in the funny bone. :D

Xxypher 16 years, 5 months ago

I usually wouldnt post on the fact that they are only posting because your a girl…

But eh.

I want to spam.


Ronnica 16 years, 5 months ago

Some really skinny kid gave me a hug yesterday. I was drinking soy milk earlier (cause soy milk makes girls boobs bigger) so my breasts were all tender so his hug really really hurt my right boob. Karma ?