... Saving The World

Posted by Ronnica on May 26, 2008, 9:57 a.m.

Saving the world isn't easy, but we do it anyways. But at the end of the day, we wonder why the hell we risked our lives just to just go through it all again >< Don't get me wrong, I love the action I get from saving the world, but actually completing a mission is soooo hard! Like, yesterday…

I left the house and walked up to the corner of the street. As soon as I got there, John showed up in the black car and opened the passenger door and I got in. "Today's not gonna be easy." He said. I sighed and chewed on my bottom lip. I was suited up and had my gun ready. But this time, I wouldn't need my gun. I'd be using a sniper from the top of a building. John handed me the file.

Mission: Classic Death-Ray and Scientist

Objective: To obtain the Death-Ray by killing Scientist, Dr. Helican.

Involvement: Rowdy Girl, and the Monarch Team

Plan: Monarch Team is to go in and take the Death-Ray while trying to lead Helican out of the building. If Helican is to go outside, Rowdy Girl is to fire at will.

This file is to self destruct- I'm just kidding XD Our files don't do that lol So I was taken to HQ to meet with the Monarch Team. A good looking team that've been together for quite awhile. They specialize in combat and all that fun stuff. They were chosen because it turned out that Helican had a lot of minions hiding in the building with him and they would keep the Team from getting the Death-Ray.

So here we go, we were at the location and I was on the top of a building across the street from where Helican and his Death-Ray were. The Monarch Team were at their positions. They had thrown in tear gas bombs and totally smoked the whole place. They had their masks on and went in. I could kinda see people pass by windows through the sniper scope, but it was too smokey to really see anything going on. About twenty minutes in, I was radioed by John who was in a van a few blocks down. Bad news. "The Team was slaughtered!" He said. See? Another reason as to why saving the world isn't worth it. Then again, we would've all died by the Death-Ray. SEE?! What's the point?!?! Anyways, "What's the plan?" I asked. There was a moment of silence. "Since the Team DID make an advance, we're sending in eight other Teams to take on the minions. By then we'll hopefully have the Death-Ray in our possession. Just stay where you are." I was told. Oh fun.

The eight other Teams were all in and taking charge. It was really cool to see them all raiding the place. It was like a movie or something. Really neat. Anyways, it seemed as if we were advancing on them. Mission was almost complete when suddenly, there was an explosion! It was about the fourth floor of the building, and the whole left wall was taken out. It was an old building, so it was gonna collapse. "HQ! We don't have enough time to get the Death-Ray before the building collapses!" Radioed a Team leader. Things were soooo not going as planned. "We're holding them off, but no one is free enough to get the Death-Ray!" They said. "Can you Teams see the Death-Ray?!" John asked.

"Yeah, it's no bigger than a regular gun!" (O.o) ?

"Start evacuating!"

"We're trying, but they're keeping us in!"

You could hear gun shots from the Teams' guns. No one could leave the building. Helican's plans was to take the Teams down by keeping them in the building as he makes his escape. Suddenly, I saw Helican with some kind of gun in his hand, making a run for the exit. Problem, HIS exit wasn't in my direction, from what I could see with the big whole in the building. I groaned and got up. I ran down the fire escape stairs and made my way for the collapsing building. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" John was screaming into the radio.I put my mask on and I was in. Pieces of old plaster was falling from the ceiling and Teams were firing shots, trying to get out. "Where you goin'?!" Asked Leader Kappa. "Cover me, I'm going in for the Ray and the kill!"

Kappa nodded and signaled the other Teams. I made a run for the first flight of stairs. I could JUST see Helican opening a window. Crazy stuff, bullets flying by and stuff falling from the ceiling. I jumped on Helicans back with a lot of force, bringing him to his knees. I had him in a head lock and I noticed the Death-Ray slipping through his fingers. I let him go and caught it. He kicked me on my left side. Yeah, ow. I tried getting up and getting my gun out, but I had to be careful because HQ needs the Death-Ray for research. Nothing can happen to it.

I rolled away to give me time to get my gun. I put the Death-Ray in my holster and aimed at Helican. He already had a gun aiming at me. "Give me the Death-Ray!" He yelled. "No wa-" A big piece of plaster fell on his head and he was knocked out. Wow, aren't I just the hero. Team member Lloyd managed to find me and he carried Helican's unconscious body out of the building with me following behind. Right after Lloyd made it out, along with everyone else, the building collapsed, almost taking me with it. Scary.

I promise I'll never write another long blog again.



F1ak3r 16 years, 4 months ago

Looks okay to me. Good job ^_^.

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

Thankies ^_^

SquareWheel 16 years, 4 months ago

You forgot the lock.

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

Way to show me up, Steven >___>