... It's Over Nine Thousand!!

Posted by Ronnica on May 30, 2008, 9:04 a.m.

Hits I mean. Not super strength. But that'd be pretty cool to have super strength like that. Anyways, I just wanted to thank everyone here who hit me. Getting hits is nice. I probably wont be nearing the Spoon's hits anytime soon, but thats okay. I like where I am right now. Yes, I'm just rambling on. It's 6:35 am and I'm already ready for school, which doesn't start until 9. Did you know that I have almost as many hits as Pandaroo_fang ? Of course, by the time you're done reading this, you're gonna go and check her page and increase her hits and get her over 10k and make it more difficult for me to reach my goal of surpassing her hits. I've read a few of her blogs and I think she's a pretty cool person. I could totally see that you guys really liked her ^_^

Hmmm, what else can I talk about… The Motron Software crew has started production again on Incandescent Darkness (ID aka TGoZ). Which reminds me, I need a new microphone. Speaking of which, I gotta start vocal lessons sometime soon. I used to sing, but ever since I moved, I got uninvolved in the whole singing thing and now my voice is all bleh.

Yeah, I guess you can stop reading now. I'm just making this up as I go along. Usually I think about what I'm gonna write and then word it and then post it, but today I'm slightly hyper with nothing to say or do. I think I'm gonna take pictures at school today. Not of dead cats though. Just pictures of friends and myself.

Okay, so here's something intelligent: My French teacher wrote on the white board, "Will saw Tom and I at the theaters." Then she asked us if this was correct English. We all said that it was. This caused her to rant and say that our English teachers know nothing about grammar and all that stuff. She said that "Tom and I" was only used when you say something like, "Tom and I went to the park" but when it comes do direct and indirect objects, the correct way of saying/writing it would be "Will saw Tom and me at the theaters." And its true. She tried teaching it to her grade 10 class but the little runts told her she was wrong and their whole class got into a big argument. It was really interesting. After half an hour of her explaining it and finding direct and indirect objects in other sentences, I've decided that I'll stick to "Will saw us at the theaters" instead of that other fun stuff. Makes sense and doesn't cause arguments or lectures on proper grammar.

I'm out of soy milk ><



Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

Really, how is soy milk bad?

SquareWheel 16 years, 4 months ago

Steven is upset.

Dom 16 years, 4 months ago

ok first off who gives a shit if soy milks resizes anything its fucking milk douches. secondly who cares how bigs peoples arms are thirdly. why doesn't my school start at 9 stupid fucking facilty fuck

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

Cause if you start at 9, you don't get out until 3:15 ><

Dom 16 years, 4 months ago

lol Ronnica come to Aus see ouyr school system. i learnt that i and me thing last year (grade 9) also my school starts at 8:40 and we get out at 3:20.