... Hit Me Baby One More Time!

Posted by Ronnica on June 2, 2008, 7:56 p.m.

She sits at the computer and thinks, "What on earth do I write about this time?" Determination is nothing when dealing with an unimaginative mind. Worried about school for tomorrow and today's blog, she sits and considers not bothering about it. "Maybe if it was meant to happen, it would." She thought. Not one to place effort in anything she does, she soon realizes that this is getting no where…

Did you notice I'm really close to 10K ?! Know how big of an honour that would be for me to be the First Female User To Reach 10K !! There should be a badge for that too. ^_^ I was given the award recently for my work on taking down Dr. Helican and his Death-Ray. It turns out the technology used for his device is something that we've seen, but haven't been able to create something successfully because its rather complicated. The Technology wing of HQ has taken the Death-Ray apart and are studying the method used in creating it. Its some rather neat stuff. They've tested the original ray on rats in the lab and so far, it works really well, but the radius of the ray itself doesn't reach very far even on the strongest setting. Risked my life again for nothing? =\ It happens…

So I went shopping yesterday with my brothers. It wasn't as scary as it used to be. Really disappointing though. I saw this really neat black shirt with Mario and Yoshi on it. It was the classic picture only that its the outlining of the drawing. Mario is in red outlining and he's all sparkly and Yoshi's in green and he's all sparkly too! It looks sooo cool, but my brother wouldn't buy it for me =\ Instead, he bought us ice cream at this really spiffy place. You choose your ice cream flavors (with really neat ice cream cones to match) and then you choose what you want IN your ice cream! So, for example, I had Cotton Candy ice cream with mint chunks in it in a white chocolate waffle cone. Thats not nearly as awesome as what my oldest brother got: Bubble Gum ice cream with Gummy Bears and Marshmallows kneaded into the dough on a sprinkled waffle cone! Talk about sugar! Right after we ate them though, we ended up getting really sick XD I think it only happens with my older brother. He buys us food (last time it was sushi) and we eat it, then we get sick ><

Maybe this blog isn't worth getting me 10K, but its all I have =\ If you're my 10000th hit, please make yourself recognizable as I would like to thank you ^_^



SquareWheel 16 years, 4 months ago

That sounds delicious.

RC 16 years, 4 months ago

O_O Maybe you shouldn't eat with your brother.

Oh, and I read the entire blog, my first time reading an entire blog made by you =D

I do have to say one thing, Gummy Bubblemallow ice cream doesn't sound too appetizing…

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

@ Steven : Money is nice =P

@ Wheel : It was.

@ ReChu : lol Thanks. And no, it wasn't all that good ><

Siert 16 years, 4 months ago

Wait… I thought 64Digits was a sausage fest. And why am I writing in pink. You know… girls dont have to like pink =P

And unlike RedChu, i zoned out about halfway through. Somehow the comments were more interesting.

Snakeman 16 years, 4 months ago

Nice way to give yourself content by writing down your thoughts before writing what you wanted to. XD

Cesar 16 years, 4 months ago

actually, if I link Pandaroo_Fang's page to my blog, she's bound to get the 45 more hits she needs for 10k

Cesar 16 years, 4 months ago


Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

I am now, officially the First Female User To Reach 10000 Hits aka The 10K Girl XD !!! YAY!

SquareWheel 16 years, 4 months ago

Congrats to pretty girl in pink.

Kenon 16 years, 4 months ago


Ok, so I'm a Pandaroo fan D:

You're not the original 64Girl, and you never will be!