...I Prefer Forks

Posted by Ronnica on June 4, 2008, 9:27 a.m.

People hack sites and destroy them. You, Ronnie, only need exist on a site and all hell breaks loose. Nice going.
^^Asking for it lol

So I'm on msn, all happy that I'd be receiving 10k soon, when suddenly RawrSpoon tells me that he's made a link on his blog to lead people to Pandaroo's page. I found that really unfair considering that I worked hard for all my hits and she was no longer active. I mean, I respect her enough to mention her name in my other blog so that you guys were aware of how close we were both to getting the hits. Linking her page was a little much.

My dream of being the first 10k girl nearly crushed, I spoke to Luda about it. Wanting to help, he boosted up my hits. I honestly didn't ask to be put at 9999hits, but in my desperation, I couldn't say no. To fight fire with fire only to get a bigger fire is what I do best. Right after my hits were changed, someone stumbled on my page and gave me my 10000th hit. Then someone else got my 10001 hit. Earning me the title of being the first girl on 64Digits to get 10000 hits. I believe that Firestormx also agrees that it's legitimate or else he wouldn't give me the honour of making myself a badge (that happens to look like "a girl with her legs open" XD). I was later rather harassed by Kenon and the Spoon over what had happened. With some explaining to Kenon about Pandaroo not needing any help because I mentioned her in my blog, he left me alone. Thanks for understanding Kenon ^_^

So, I'm sorry that I got a lot of help, being (in most of your opinions) still rather new to the site.I'm sorry that I got a personal hit counter before most of the older users. I'm sorry I got a custom made badge because I accomplished something with a lot of help (even though I was constantly told that hits don't matter since I got my 1k). I'm sorry that you guys find me annoying. I'm sorry you guys think I stand for/represent single-horny internet boys and I'm also sorry that the Spoon can bitch better than I ever could, and I'm a girl (bitching is something we're supposed to be naturally good at).

I remember the first week I joined, and RawrSpoon was my favorite person. Heck, we even got married on facebook! (I know that doesn't mean anything, the point is we were just that close as friends). Our falling-out happened when I felt like no one liked me (still during my first week here) and so he thought me weak and blocked me. I still respect that kid though. I think he's cool, and I always will think that. Yeah, I know, "Who the hell respects the person who put them through all that?!" Well, call me strange, but I do.

Special thanks to SquareWheel, Stevenup, Kilin, RedChu, Cps, Luda, Firestormx and all those who helped keep my spirits up throughout this over-exaggerated situation. I love you guys sooo much.

But as something to make things 'fair,' my next FIVE blogs will be unfronted as to not get so much attention and to slow my hits. (There's no way in hell I'm not gonna just stop blogging!) Anyways…


If It makes anyone feel better, I never saw my 10k.


mesenberg 16 years, 4 months ago

I never found u annoying…

Castypher 16 years, 4 months ago

Quote: Halibutski
If you can point out a girl who was at risk of surpassing you, please, do so.
Try Pandaroo. She just said that in her blog.

Quote: Square Wheel
Physical dating: Better than a computer screen
Though that's true, I can't help but sense the slightest bit of overprotectivity. You're not going to lose her to some kid on the internet.

Arcalyth 16 years, 4 months ago

Earning me the title
No. In any professional setting, what had happened would be grounds for disqualification.

I believe that Firestormx also agrees that it's legitimate
He's drunk 99% of the time. Come on, now.

still rather new to the site
Besides the fact you have a vagina, that's the only reason people are riled up about the whole thing.

Anyway, before you think I have no credit, I'm an ex-admin here. And to people who see this post, no, I'm still not coming back.

SteveKB 16 years, 4 months ago

hello arcalyth.

SquareWheel 16 years, 4 months ago

Hi Arc.

If it helps, the other side was going to spam hits on Pandaroo's blog, so the race was really "The first to cheat wins".

firestormx 16 years, 4 months ago

wtf is arc doing here?

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

… I should be happy to see you all commenting on my page, yet I still want to say, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?! I didn't expect so many comments XD

firestormx 16 years, 4 months ago

No, we enjoy arguing about you. Flexing our manly muscles.

sk8m8trix 16 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, or not so manly FSX.

"Miranda likes it small" Implying something?

mrmediocrity 16 years, 4 months ago

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