... She's Crazy

Posted by Ronnica on June 13, 2008, 8:48 a.m.

Best part about an unfronted blog is that hardly anyone will read it Call me crazy, but I like to have conversations with myself…

Veronica: Hmm. What do I wear?

Rowdy: Does it matter?

Ronnie: I like that pink shirt, wear it!

Veronica: I wore that two days ago! I can't wear it in the same week!

Rowdy: Pansie. Just put on those jeans with that black t-sirt.

Veronica: …I could…

Ronnie: You always wear black!

Rowdy: So? She looks good in it.

Veronica: Gah! You guys aren't helping!

Ronnie: Who are you trying to impress anyways?

Veronica: …Wes.

Rowdy & Ronnie: *Groan*

Veronica: Shuddup -__-

As you can see, Rowdy and Ronnie are rather opposites from eachother. Its really funny how it all started…

Veronica: I'm as sweet as honey, sugar, pie! I need a name that suits it…Ronnie!

Ronnie: Allo ^_^

Veronica: Awesome! Now I've got my personality…

Kid: Ronnie? That's a stupid name!

Veronica: No it isn't! *Punches Kid in face*

Ronnie: =O

Kid: *Runs back to tell the teacher what I did*

Friend: I totally saw that! That was really rowdy!

Veronica: Rowdy? Hmm… I like that name…

Ronnie: Oh no ><

Rowdy: Okay, who's causin' trouble? Oh wait, I am XD

And thus, Veronica and her multiple personalities were born. Yeah. That's right. I'm writing crazy blogs now that no one will read them XD


1 of 5 unfronted blogs.


marbs 16 years, 4 months ago

marbsypoo: marbs likes talking to himself :D

marbs: no he doesn't!

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

lmao! You're so cool marbs XD

marbs 16 years, 4 months ago

Hehe thanks :P

And is talking to yourself a girl thing? Since I know a couple girls who do, but no guys.

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

It probably is just a girl thing. Once when I was babysitting, my little cousin looked up at me and was like, "Why do you talk to yourself?" and I was like, O.O cause its scary when a (then) 4 year old notices something like that… =P

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

Nope, but you didn't put them in order:

Veronica = Ronnie+Rowdy+RonRon+Ronster+Ronnica

SquareWheel 16 years, 4 months ago


Castypher 16 years, 4 months ago

I talk to myself…heck, I hate myself. That kid is such an idiot and never listens to a thing I say.

frenchcon1 16 years, 4 months ago

oh god.

SquareWheel 16 years, 4 months ago

Surely you could've made a longer comment than that Wes -_-"
I was talking to Veronica when I commented, and :p perfectly described how I was feeling when I read it. Now stop taking any chance you can to attempt to make me look bad, will ya?

FuzzleFangs 16 years, 4 months ago

I talk to myself all the time, but not out loud…it's all in my head! That why a lot of the time I just sit there making faces at myself. XD