... Say Goodbye (3/5)

Posted by Ronnica on June 17, 2008, 8:56 a.m.

Wow, the last day of school. It's weird to think that back in September, I was the new kid who didn't really know anyone and now I'm surrounded by a bunch of crazy, gothic, geek, gamer, nerd, prep, goody-goody kids. Heh, funny how things work out. I moved here from my old town all by myself. The rest of my family had to keep up with work so they sent me to live with my aunt for three months so I could go ahead and get started at school.

I honestly didn't think that the gothish girl I sat infront of in Socials would be my window to friendship. She had me hang out with her friends and we all got along. Never been apart from the group since. Some of my friends graduated this year, it's really sad to see them go, including my 'twin' brother =\

But on a happier note, Wes and I have completed 2 months of dating ^_^ I love seeing him at school and being around when he gets all technical about stuff. It's entertaining to see a great mind at work <3 These two months of summer are gonna be painful ><


I was playing the Sims 2 and I (of course) made me and Wes XD It was neat cause it was him and me and our two other friends who are dating in one house. It was kinda funny when his character proposed to mine. I did a good enough job on their relationship that he only needed to ask me once. Then we got married and moved out. T'was really spiffy. Then in our new house, our goal was to have a baby, so I locked that in and got started. Finally, I got pregnant (in the hot tub) and had Chloe. It's now one day until her birthday, and I'm pregnant again XD I love that game.

So yeah, it's a shame I'm not fronting my blogs yet (though the last one was fronted for like, 2 minutes because I forgot to uncheck the box) but I said I wasn't going to. Me and my big mouth ><

Before I sign off, just thought I'd let you in on some random info that I found out about myself. I can:

Type 67 words per minute (I know most of you can do better, but I'm just saying thats what I can do)

Text: 34 words per minute (on T9)

PSP: 13 words per minute (when I'm searching up Sims 2 cheats XD )

So yeah, Paul Walker is sooooo fine.



firestormx 16 years, 3 months ago

o yeah, it's a shame I'm not fronting my blogs yet […] but I said I wasn't going to. Me and my big mouth ><
The genious of women.

Also, shame on you for using ><.

You remind me of a girl who lived half way between you and I.