... This. Is. FRONTED!

Posted by Ronnica on July 2, 2008, 8:37 a.m.

Hi ever-ybod-y! *hopes you'll get the Simpsons reference*

So it's been awhile but I managed to complete my five unfronted blogs. Lets see, that only took me about… a month hehe. Haven't missed a lot, just the last days of school and the beginning of summer. I gotta admit, I'm not really enjoying my summer so far. Multiple reasons all based around family and their foolishness but anywaaaaaays…

What you've missed:

-Well, the first week was shitty. All I did was wake up early because I'm still used to doing so from attending school. Went on the computer and then did other stuff so when my mom comes home in the afternoon, I look like I was doing something useful.

-My older brother broke his PSP and bought a new one. He then realized that on the recipt for the one he broke, it said that he had some kind of warranty so he got a replacement PSP for the broken one. It's not nearly as cool as his new one, so he gave it to me >___> But I like it lol

-My brothers and I went to the restaurant that my twin brother, David works at. The Cactus Club. We spent like $200 in food. Us and our steaks and our $15 dollar desserts.

-Okay, so I finally got my act together and got a job. I KNOW! Ronnica + Work = ERROR !! But I managed to get a job at Superstore aka Stupidstore thanks to Gophri. I work in the beauty department. Typical, I know. But it's not too bad though. My starting wage is $8.65/hr. When I was told this I tried really hard not to smile lol S'not a bad start if you ask me. I mean, my first job at an auto body shop back in my old town, I was paid $10/hr. Anyways, everyone that works in my department is blond. I'm not kidding. Even the chick who's my age and shaved her head in support of cancer research has blond hair. Everyone else is like, old. My mom was like, "Oh good. You'll stand out." and I was like, "No Mom, standing out is bad!" but I refuse to dye my hair blond again so I'm hooped.

-My brother bought a new 40" LCD TV from Future Shop. While he was out picking one, the rest of us sat on the floor in the middle of an aisle and watched Family Guy for an hour. It was kinda fun and the sales guys thought we were funny, especially with my Lois impression *is proud*

Its been really hot out lately (summer + global warming = Yes Ronnica, its bound to get hot). Walking from the car to the mall works up a sweat. Its nasty. We're constantly doing laundry cause of all the sweaty clothes. Thank god my house has air conditioning XD I really like this weather, but I rarely get to go out and enjoy it. I think I'll pick up my little cousins tomorrow and their dog and go for a walk. Something to do. A tan to improve. Sleep to get >_<" I missed you guys.



Juju 16 years, 3 months ago

Hi Dr. Nick!

OBELISK 16 years, 3 months ago

Hi Dr. Nick!

thernz 16 years, 3 months ago

My PSP's shoulder buttons don't work and my analog is broken too. Wanna trade?

PY 16 years, 3 months ago

Global warming: Apparently the only possible reason it's hot.

Quietus 16 years, 3 months ago

You could wear a wig.

Ronnica 16 years, 3 months ago

@ Steven : …That's different. This attention isn't IRL.

@ thernz : I'll think about it.

@ PY : Indeed.

@ Hyper : … That's actually a good idea, 'cept the store gets pretty hot, and everyone knows I'm not a blond now lol

frenchcon1 16 years, 3 months ago

there was me thinking you'd given up >___>

Arcalyth 16 years, 3 months ago

Global warming is a myth.

Snakeman 16 years, 3 months ago

V3 is a myth.

Cesar 16 years, 3 months ago

Pssh, once you get 40 degrees centigrade every day, complain about heat.