... Booty Or Kunei ?

Posted by Ronnica on Aug. 19, 2008, 9:41 a.m.

Okay so I was like, RC put pics on his blog, why don't I do the same? Cause you know, I don't think I've ever done that before and it sounds like fun… Okay yeah so I'm taking advantage of the 'Oh look, images!' mood and am putting up some pics of stuff.But on important news, I've started writing a story based on the epic battle that's been going on for centuries: Ninjas or Pirates? I know originally its 'Ninja vs. Pirates' but I've chosen the 'or' option because it really sets the whole idea for my story, which I will describe for you right now.

During the time of Pirates and Ninjas, there was a girl, raised in a Ninja village and was being trained by the best Ninjas to become the best female Ninja ever! Well when she was still just a kid, the village was raided by Pirates. Obviously on land, Pirates would have a harder time fighting Ninjas, so the Ninjas scared them off. But when Pirate, Captain Johnny Wynn (named after my little brother who loves Pirates) was running back to the ship, he had just enough time to grab the Ninja girl and take her onto the ship. The village had sent their best Ninjas to bring the girl back, but no one could find her.

Years later something really big was going to happen to the village (I dunno what yet. Help me out.) and they really needed to find this girl. So they sent out their best Ninjas to find her and bring her back. One Ninja guy actually manages to find her on Captain Johnny's ship, but learns that the Ninja girl has basically converted to a Pirate.

The whole twist comes in when we think, "Wait, she was trained by the very best. She could've just come back to the village whenever she wanted…" So what do you think? Was she kidnapped by the Pirates or did she actually run away with them to be one of them? Will she go back to the village?

The story also comes with some 'certain scenes'.

So this is Oden (Odin with an 'e') and he's my pet Crowntail Betta fish. As you may be able to see, he is in a vase with a plant and some rocks. He is my pet but he is also decorable. Betta's never really move so if you go up to his little home, wave and say, "Hi Oden!" and he'll react to you by moving his fins a bit and it looks like he's saying 'hi' back. I loves him.

So yeah, that's just me. I'm actually pretty jealous that my mom's closet has mirrors for doors. I offered to trade my normal doors for her mirrored ones but she said no. Multiple times.

This is my brother, Josue and my little cousin Alex. Josue built a computer for my 'twin' brother and those are all the pieces that came in the mail last week. The UPS guy is a hero at my house. Me and my little cousins freak out when we hear the doorbell ring. The packages are not even for us but we get just as excited. Also, I believe its because the UPS guy is actually rather good looking…

This is me. Again. Standing on my bed (which I'm not allowed to do). There's a hook-type thing on my ceiling because you can put those curtains around my bed (canopy or something) so that it gives the room even more of a princess flare. I hung the camera up on that hook and set the timer, which is why the camera's all tilted (Honestly Arc, you gotta stop by some time haha. )


Also, it's Luda's birthday on the 20th. I already mailed him my gift ^_^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUDA!


PY 16 years, 6 months ago

As a present I'm buying him a shortcut to www.64digits.com so maybe he remembers about it.

SquareWheel 16 years, 6 months ago

PY, wanna go halfsies?

I found a rubber ducky in the second picture.

Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 6 months ago

It was the third. SW can't count?

Bryan 16 years, 6 months ago

So yeah, that's just me. I'm actually pretty jealous that my mom's closet has mirrors for doors.
Hah! I have a huge mirror on my closet door too, but its just 1 out of 3 doors… :D

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

Sure, squee.

Also, what is wrong with a timer, why do people feel the need to use a mirror to photograph themselves :(

Juju 16 years, 6 months ago

Hah! I have a huge mirror on my closet door too, but its just 1 out of 3 doors… :D
Brian is:

a) A girl

b) Gay

c) Hypervain

d) All of the above

Vote today!

SquareWheel 16 years, 6 months ago

What if I want to pick just two of the above?

And yes, apparently I'm incapable of rudimentary math.

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

I… I have a mirror on my wardrobe door :(

I never use it though, honest D:

Castypher 16 years, 6 months ago

Why is it that every time I come to your page, I get reminded of my month-long depression? It's either that or I'm becoming a lot like RawrSpoon.

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

Maybe because you associate ronnica with depression, and every time you see her, you're reminded.