... She Spammed Again!

Posted by Ronnica on Aug. 27, 2008, 8:17 a.m.

1) Spell your name without vowels: Vrnc

2) Are you single? Noooope.

3) Whats your favorite number? 45.

4) What color do you wear most? Black or pink.

5) Least favorite color? Blue. (DON'T HIT ME)

6) What are you listening to? Flux by Bloc Party

7) What do you smoke? Smoked him across the face…

8) Are you happy with your life right now? Not really.

9) Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? Nope. Unique look over here.

10) What is your favorite class(es)? French (but I finished), Math and English.

11) Do you shop at hollister/abercrombie/AE? I hate AE.

12) How do you make money? How do all females on the internet make money?

13) Who is your best friend? Kia, even though we hardly talk.

14) Where do you go to school? K-Town.

15) Are you outgoing? Not really.

16) One word to describe you? Short.

17) Favorite pair of shoes? My DC skate shoes.

18) Do you own big sunglasses? 3 pairs

19) Where do you wish you were right now? In my own private mansion fully furnished and being spoiled.

20) What should you be doing right now? Mmmnothing.

21) Do you have a crush or love anyone right now? My Wheel <3


1) Are you currently mad at someoone? Not really.

2) Which family member has the worst temper? Ha, me.

3) Have you ever thrown something at anyone's face? A punch?

4) Does your face turn red when you're angry? Kinda, then I tear up and cry.

5) When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? Neither.


1) Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? Ha, yes. Good ol' Kia.

2) Which of your friends is most excitable? Can't think of any.

3) If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? That Supra over there looks nice…

4) If you could have anything right now, what would it be? A million dollars sounds good…


1) Full Name: Veronica-Lizeth Alvarez Chavez Berrios Acosta (shortened from the divorce)

2) Where were you born? Medicine Hat, Alberta.

3) What's your main goal in life? Make all the money and babies I can.

4) Do you want to have children? Umm, yes?

5) How do you want to die? Old age.


1) Sex before marriage? Really shouldn't, but go ahead.

2) Lower the drinking age? Please don't. People are stupid as it is.

3) Abortion? Personally, I'm Pro-Life. But I won't/don't judge.

4) Recycling? What for?


1) Do you like someone? Yuppers.


1)Is Wednesday.

2) What are you doing? Getting haircut, eyebrows done, shop some more for school junk.


1) Currently love someone? YES! OH GOD YES!!

2) Like someone? I guess…

3) Do they know it? I'd hope so.

2) What is he/she like? Blue eyes and totally laid back.

3) Who is the best hugger that you know? Well, I don't wanna brag, but I've been told quite a few times…

4) Do you believe in love at first sight? Now I do.


1) Person you saw not in your family? Ray?

2) Person you hugged? My big brother.

3) Movie watched? Nim's Island. Not that bad actually.

4) Song you listened to? Bang Bang - Nacy Sinatra

5)Person you kissed? My Wheel <3


Castypher 16 years, 1 month ago


Time to pull out some paper. I am so bored.

1) Jd

2) Yes

3) (We pick favorite numbers?)

4) Black or green

5) Pink >=]

6) Vertigo by U2

7) Uhh?

8) Sure sure, unless my mom keeps me here

9) Yes, one I can't remember, but the first is David Boreanaz

10) Computer Programming, Math

11) I rarely even shop for clothes

12) I do actual work, usually 14 hours a day in the hot sun

13) Rachel, until she went and did those things to me

14) Ogden

15) No, but I can be

16) Tall

17) The ones I've worn down to nothing

18) I don't do sunglasses

19) My dad's house

20) Waking up

21) Yes


1) Very

2) My 12-year-old brother of course

3) Nope, I'm a fair fighter

4) No, I keep calm pretty well

5) I don't, I piss them off by speaking calmly, but I can shout of course


1) No

2) I can think of some that used to be

3) "This money is cursed"

4) Wanting things you don't have is a bad way to go about things

YOU: (stalker)

1) Jaed Izaak David Norberg, formerly Jaed Kaiser Donnovan Caudill

2) Layton, Utah

3) Let the world see my work

4) Of course

5) Preferably old age, if not, then in my sleep


1) I don't care. People do what they want, and it shouldn't be a problem if they don't get pregnant.

2) I say raise it. That or eliminate it. With no drinking age, it's not so cool anymore, and it becomes less likely for kids to be drunk.

3) Let's leave it to the mothers for that one, but I say an abortion should only be considered in the event of a rape.

4) Why not? It doesn't take much extra work on our part.


1) Yes, do they like me? No. How is that love?


1) Is Thursday

2) Going to my dad's house, FINALLY.


1) I used to, but then I realized you can't love anyone until about age 21.

2) How many times have I answered this? Yes.

3) Yes, but does she ignore it? Yes.

4) Used to be calm and very dependent, now she knows how to use me.

5) Ashley

6) That's crap. You can't love someone until you've spent at least a few months with them. Seriously, anyone who says otherwise is selling something.


1) My uncle

2) My mom

3) Show: Kyle XY, Movie: WALL-E

4) My own composition

5) My ex-girlfriend. Thanks for bringing that up.

Well that was a good way to spend about twenty minutes. Now time to go apply for my second job.

SquareWheel 16 years, 1 month ago

1) Spell your name without vowels: Ws

2) Are you single? I am not.

3) Whats your favorite number? I don't know, it's never come up

4) What color do you wear most? Blue I suppose.

5) Least favorite color? Yellow, it's hard on the eyes.

6) What are you listening to? The Doors

7) What do you smoke? Not a thing.

8) Are you happy with your life right now? I'm in a pretty good place.

9) Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? Nope.

10) What is your favorite class(es)? Programming

11) Do you shop at hollister/abercrombie/AE? Nope.

12) How do you make money? I don't, but I still have quite a bit.

13) Who is your best friend? I'm not sure, why must we play favorites?

14) Where do you go to school? Kelowna

15) Are you outgoing? Na, but people get me to do stuff.

16) One word to describe you? Interested

17) Favorite pair of shoes? I think my shoes are white? Well, them.

18) Do you own big sunglasses? Naa.

19) Where do you wish you were right now? With my baby.

20) What should you be doing right now? I should probably be doing a lot of things.

21) Do you have a crush or love anyone right now? I do.


1) Are you currently mad at someoone? I don't anger too easily, so nope.

2) Which family member has the worst temper? Older brother

3) Have you ever thrown something at anyone's face? Nothing that comes to mind.

4) Does your face turn red when you're angry? I don't think so.

5) When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? If I'm pissed, I can yell, but that doesn't happen often.


1) Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? Nope.

2) Which of your friends is most excitable? Daniel

3) If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? Unconvinced doubt.

4) If you could have anything right now, what would it be? How about…the ability to manipulate life and whatever twists it presents. That sounds good.


1) Full Name: Wesley Gordon William Cook

2) Where were you born? Ottawa, Canada

3) What's your main goal in life? No long-time goal, just going through life trying to live happily.

4) Do you want to have children? I think so, yes.

5) How do you want to die? Old age.


1) Sex before marriage? I've never been taught that such an act was forbidden (and if I was I've forgotten), so, just play safe.

2) Lower the drinking age? Canada's drinking age is already incredibly low.

3) Abortion? I've always looked at this matter in a scientific point of view, so I'd have to take the pro-choice view. If you're still looking to get your fetus vacuumed up, Canada's hasn't really set much of a law for it yet, and you can get an abortion pretty late into pregnancy here.

4) Recycling? I don't have enough interest to choose a side. But I do have a friend who strongly believes that recycling is killing the environment.


1) Do you like someone? I certainly do.


1) Is Wednesday in my timezone.

2) What are you doing? Dentist appointment, I think?


1) Currently love someone? Every waking moment of my life.

2) Like someone? …yes.

3) Do they know it? Yeps.

4) What is he/she like? Pretty in pink, and so unbelievably perfect.

5) Who is the best hugger that you know? She is the only hugger I know.

6) Do you believe in love at first sight? Indeed I do.


1) Person you saw not in your family? Joe, Calvin? I forget it was yesterday.

2) Person you hugged? Heh, Joe. You'd really have to know him to get it.

3) Movie watched? Kill Bill Vol. 1

4) Song you listened to? Foreigner - Dirty White Boy

5) Person you kissed? My Ronnikins

Castypher 16 years, 1 month ago

Stevenup kissed his mom. What other secrets does he hide?

SquareWheel 16 years, 1 month ago

It seems I skipped a couple sections. Will edit in when less lazy.

Castypher 16 years, 1 month ago

Much better.

mrmediocrity 16 years, 1 month ago

Quote: Steven
Are you single? Not really.