... RonnicaRock

Posted by Ronnica on Aug. 28, 2008, 7:49 a.m.

Since school is starting soon, I went to go get my eyebrows done. Funny thing is the lady really messed them up. Not too good a start for back to school. Anyways, moving on…

Anyone notice the new banner? I know the other one didn't really have a long enough moment of glory, but yesterday I was drinking a Rockstar energy drink and really examined the label. Now, I don't normally drink those. As a matter of fact I always tell my brothers that energy drinks aren't that good for you because they leave you dehydrated afterwards and its just nasty stuff. So in order to keep my brothers healthy, I stole the last Rockstar in the fridge and drank it down. The last time I did that, my pee was like, neon green. I would've taken a picture but then I was like, "People are gonna think I'm even weirder, taking a picture of my green pee." But it was crazy. Anyways, yeah, so while I was waiting for my body to pass down the energy drink so I could have green pee, I sat and stared at the label for a pretty long time. Then I asked my friend Pyro over msn, "Make me a new banner with the Rockstar drink theme."

He thought it was a pretty cool idea and he was up to it. He made me the perfect Rockstar banner, only it wasn't quite me. The gold label looks really neat on the can, but gold really isn't me. I just asked him what it would look like if it was tinted pink. He tinted it and I fell in love with it. The "Absolute Sugar, Total Sweetness" was my idea. He wanted to put something "in the black" because it really did look a little plain and that's all I could come up with.

Yesterday my mom was being kinda mean to me when we were in the car because I would shiver every time she revved the car, or kinda panic when she would take a turn. She acts like a reckless driver with me and my brother because we like cars and she wants to be cool, but lately she's been noticing that I've been freaking out whenever she tries to be fun. "What the hell?! You're gonna need to wear diapers when YOU learn to drive!" and I was like, "Jeez, its just I'm kinda just scarred for life!!" She didn't get what I meant until I reminded her that my brother and I were in a car accident with a friend exactly one year ago in Vancouver. We were on our way to the PNE. When our friend tried to get into a main road, he really stepped on it because it wasn't busy at all. I guess he thought he could make it behind a Jetta, but pretty much crashed into it instead. Good thing was that THEY were speeding and we only T-boned their back bumper. Everyone was okay but I was holding back tears cause it really scared me. When my mentor's boyfriend (husband now) came up and hugged me, he kept going, "Are you okay? Are you sure? Really? Are you okay?" and it got me annoyed and even more upset that I started to cry. Traumatic indeed.

Best part was, when my mom remembered, she bought me a mocha frappe at Starbucks to apologize for her bad driving and for making me feel like a wimp. "BerrOneeka, eef you want tu drive in NASCAR, den you haf tu not be scarred." Ha, just gimme the keys mom XD


PS. Yes I do realize that I first quoted my mom speaking perfect English and then made fun of her accent in the second quote. I don't quite know why, but I did. I'm not fixing it. Also, pants.

PPS. My cousin's husband came back from visiting El Salvador (he was only there for a week) and he brought me back a sling shot.

Also, Pyro would like feedback on the banner.

Also, pants.


PY 16 years, 1 month ago

The text could do with some AA, or bolding, because it looks too insignificant and choppy at the moment.

Also, cocks.

Bryan 16 years, 1 month ago

Energy drinks are indeed bad for you, but an occasional one won't hurt :)

Also, hats

Castypher 16 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, that little bit o' text in the middle could use some shaping. Other than that, it looks nice.

Also, clocks.

Juju 16 years, 1 month ago

Yep, more AA.

Also, bats.

Ronnica 16 years, 1 month ago

AA it is then.

Also, socks.

F1ak3r 16 years, 1 month ago

That banner is certainly bannery.

Also, cats.

Castypher 16 years, 1 month ago

*finds excuse to post*

Also, rocks.

Juju 16 years, 1 month ago

I love memes.

Also, gnats.

Tasm 16 years, 1 month ago

The banner needs some sort of border.

And this shade of pink really hurts my eyes.

Also, blocks.

SquareWheel 16 years, 1 month ago

Heh, when you told me Py made you the banner I thought you were talking about PY, not Pyro. :p

Also, shocks.

edit: Crap, Juju's post was last when I posted mine.