... My 1st Christmas

Posted by Ronnica on Dec. 11, 2008, 7:08 a.m.

Yes yes yes, long time no blog, yes my font is still that annoying shade of pink, and no, I don't know if SquareWheel is returning to 64 although I know that he comes by to read a blog or two which I guess means he's back athough he doesn't really do anything active and now I'll get straight to the point.

I'll admit that I'm not a big fan of Christmas. No, it's not because I have a disfunctional family and Christmas is just when we can put it all on display for the rest of the world to see. Nothing like that at all. It's kind of how the majority of people think that Valentine's day is just a holiday for stores to make sales and stuff. I like the idea of Christmas bringing people together and stuff, but it's never been that big in my family. We haven't put up a Christmas tree or bought preasents in like, 6 years.

ANYWAYS, I thought maybe this year I'll give the whole Christmas spirit thing a try. Starting with a Christmas carol, only I'll need you're help!!! Know the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' one? I think we should have our own 64 version of it. I'm sure you've all done something like this before but I think we should it anyways =D

So let's begin with the caroling !

On the first day of Christmas Gophri gave to me, an account on 64D !

(Your turn, keep it going)


Castypher 15 years, 10 months ago


Acid 15 years, 10 months ago

Quote: Fixed
I absolutely love the fact that you have nothing better to do that count how many comments I post.

More fail. -_-

Ronnica 15 years, 10 months ago

Since it's MY blog, can we NOT talk about Steven?

mesenberg 15 years, 10 months ago

yea u guys! >_>, lets talk about ME! ^_^

that vid is funny… and I never even got the 12 days of Xmas stuff… it doesnt make sense, Xmas is only one day!

RC 15 years, 10 months ago

Christmas used to be my favorite holiday, but that's all changed now. I just gave my parents my Christmas list (with all 4 items) yesterday. D=

(trying to comment about something other than mannequins, but it's just too hard, I love them.)

Ronnica 15 years, 10 months ago

Okay, 30 comments. Not bad.

Ronnica 15 years, 10 months ago

Hey, I always get last post >=[

abacus 15 years, 10 months ago

I love Venetian Princess! Only she hasn't put out much stuff in a while =(