... Let's Make A Plan

Posted by Ronnica on Feb. 10, 2010, midnight

Lots of things have been going on IRL wise, but I don't wanna talk about it.

In other news, I've created a Facebook Fan Page called, "The RowdyGirl Fan Page." I would assume that with a name like that I'm due for a couple of views. Not many fans though. Who could blame them ?

Anyways, in honor of my fan page, I wanna give away prizes. Maybe hold a contest of some sort or just a give-away. I'll be making a video tomorrow morning but I'm still not sure what I should be giving away. Any ideas ?

I also wanna make a website but Stevenup holds my domain name. As you know, I'm technologically-disabled (i r stoopude) so I was wondering if anyone could host my site and help me work on it. I'll mostly just be linking these blogs and Facebook/Twitter updates. Maybe where fans can message me and stuff.

I guess I'm shooting for a "socialite" type of persona. You know, the good-for-nothing person that just happens to be famous but haven't really done anything extraordinary to be so popular (I see a lot of you cringing out there).

So before you diarrhea in your pants because you're disgusted with my stupidity, join the Facebook fan page and maybe have a shot at choosing prizes.

HAVE A GREAT DAY ! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH !!! It's true, you know.


Ronnica 14 years, 8 months ago

@ Kaz : Of course I do. Only I'm so loveable, people will look beyond that and like me =]

Arcalyth 14 years, 8 months ago

I think the reason that you don't have many fans is because the fan page is inaccessible. Every time I try to click it, it redirects me to Facebook's home page.

Arc has a soft spot for the females of this site.

You could do something ridiculous that motivates me to go and change site code if you tried hard enough. Having a vagina is only a small part of it. :P

frenchcon1 14 years, 8 months ago

give up, fame is retarded

Leyenda 14 years, 8 months ago

no, fame is EVERYTHING. So go for it.

But one hint: socialites dont use expressions like "diarrhea in your pants".

Just so you know ;-)