...To My Lovers and Haters And Blog Title Changers (Ft. Edits)

Posted by Ronnica on Aug. 7, 2010, 5:17 p.m.

So I drew this picture of some mods and Firestormx just for fun last night. NAO I CHARE ET WIF YEW! Don't make fun! I realize they're not… even. I drew this last night, on my bed, on a magazine for a hard surface, after a year of not drawing things. Back in highschool I was the genius that drew the comics of inside jokes between my pals and I and since I have no class time to bore me into art, I forced myself to sit down and do this.

As you can tell, I'm not a gifted artist. Or gifted. Or an artist. But I drew it with love! *big sad eyes*

Top: His handsomeness Juju, Her Highness Ronnica, His adorablismness Eagly

Middle: His chocolateness Arc (he knows I've got a thing for "brothas"), His chinkness Firestormx, and… Obelisk.

Bottom: Kabobsticles (I misspelled his name as "KahBob" in my drawing)

My mom slacked off and didn't pay the internet bill and I've been real grumpy because of it. Then, yesterday she made a call to our ISP and I was overjoyed that she was discussing paying over the phone. Just now, before I started writing this blog, she comes into my room to tell me, "So, we're not getting internet until I buy a new TV so we can get a good package deal for phone, net and cable."

I stared at her blankly, "So… when are we getting a new TV?"

"Tomorrow. Possibly. Maybe by Monday. I hope."

"You hate me."


Also, I'm only getting wireless right now by sitting next to my window, and stealing a poor neighbor's unsecured internet. mightlookatpornlaterbutmaybenot.


EDIT Speaking of masturbation

I've learned to "dance" like this because it's awesome.



Grand-High Gamer 14 years, 2 months ago

Fucking pussy magnets, how do they work?

eagly 14 years, 2 months ago

Otherwise, EAGLY IS SHORT.
In the awesome drawing of me, yes. In real life, no. :)

Cpsgames 14 years, 2 months ago
