...Last Minute Creativity?

Posted by Ronnica on Sept. 18, 2010, 10:55 p.m.

I wrote this just now because the subject came up to me where you can't really trust people, even when they say and act like a good friend. Enjoy.

She watched him approach from her spot up in the tree. She recognized his tall frame though the street lights exaggerated his shadow to stretch down the sidewalk. Yesterday she called him “friend,â€? but today he was “victim.â€?

As he came closer, she rethought her plan. Maybe this was the wrong way to go about murdering a backstabbing, smug bastard? A little smirk played on her lips, heh, no way.

Finally he was walking right under the tree branches. She lunged down behind him with a wire in her hands. Before he could turn his head, she wrapped it around his neck, pulling as hard as she could.

Unfortunately for her, his height gave him an advantage. He tried to turn around, but she held on tight, twisting the wire in her hands to keep a better grip. She tried to kick his knees out, but he stayed standing. Only the sounds of their shoes on the pavement, and his gasps could be heard.

Irritated by the fact that she couldn’t overpower him, she gave the wire one last tug with all her might. It became even tighter around his neck, and a moment later he collapsed on the ground, knocking his head hard on the sidewalk.

She let go of the wire and looked at her hands. Ugh, Her fingers were nearly as indented as his throat and were feeling numb. She shook out her hands as to get the circulation back into them and rolled him over to his back. He began to stir and came to. She stood over him as he opened his eyes. When his eyes could focus, she held a hunting knife she had stolen from him earlier.

As he realized what she was going to do, he tried to get up but his attempt was useless. She forced the knife through his shirt, in between his lungs, in his diaphragm, and dragged it down to his waist. He let out a horrific scream of pain, pleasing to her ears. His body began to shake in fear and panic. He raised his head to look down at his body. He could feel the warmth of his insides and blood leaking out of him.

The sight shocked and horrified him that his eyes rolled back into his head and he fainted. She stood next to him, backing away from the blood and watched his life slip away. Pleased, she turned around and walked towards the nearby parking lot where a small white car turned its lights on. She walked around it and got in the passenger side.

“Nice catch.â€? Said the man at the wheel. She smiled and held her palm out where he placed a twenty dollar bill.

“Told you I could gut him like a fish.â€? She replied, pocketing the money.

Okay, now you can make your jokes. Sickos.


DFortun81 14 years ago

That's fucked up. :<

Ronnica 14 years ago

Thanks for reading anyways =|

factnfiction101 14 years ago

Pretty graphic story :D

This is what we should do to Grand-High.

Castypher 14 years ago

Heh, killing people for $20 seems a bit low.

Also, if this is a metal wire, I'd assume it would slit his throat sooner than strangle him.

But good to see some writing. Makes me want to finish my own story.

Rob 14 years ago

Isn't there supposed to be sex in erotica?

inb4 necrophilia

noshenim 14 years ago


Toast 14 years ago

I didn't read it because it's pink and you wrote it

Cesque 14 years ago

She tried he kick his knees out, but he stayed standing.

Sure, why not.

Unaligned 14 years ago

Quote: blog
Funny that you say that.

Awesome story, add a few extra zeros to the twenty dollars and it's almost believable.

HeroofTime55 14 years ago

This also makes me hard.