...How Do You Flail English?! (and other stupid things.)

Posted by Ronnica on Sept. 27, 2010, 10:41 p.m.

It's kinda long… (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID)

Woooohooo! It's the most wonderful time of the year! -Yet the dumbest things keep happening to me =| Let's start off with some family news!

Like most North Americans, my parents are divorced, and have been for… a long time. Most of my life, really. Luckily my parents have managed to stay best o' pals for the sake of my brother and I, which is really great.

"Remember when you changed the locks on me?"

"Yeah, remember when you pushed me down the stairs?"

HAHAHAHA, Good times. But not really.

Anyways, my brother and I obviously still live at home with our mom because it's (mostly) free, which is real great when attending college (my brother finished his first year, I'm going in January) so it just works out rather well. I'd say our family is rather stable. Well, it was until my parents unleashed the news that our dad was to be moving in with us…

When? October. Why? Because we think it's best. Ugh.

Granted my brother and I grew up kinda spoiled (not like ponies and cars, just with a lot of attention from our parents) but because of that, our dad still acts like we're 10 so he's always real huggy and always wants to hang out with us and gets mad when he visits and we're locked up in our rooms, focused on our computers and just interested in our own things we don't care to share with him.

Anyways, my dad showed up today and surprised my mom with a moving van. Which is unexpected because we all thought he was aware that most people move in/out on the first of the month. Today is (or was, depending when you read this) the 27th. Of course, Daddy gets all pissy and grumpy, "Well you told me I could move in!" and all we could do was shut our traps and help him unload boxes =\

I love my dad, but all the crap my brother and I witnessed as kids ("Yeah, remember when you pushed me down the stairs?" is not entirely untrue) makes us nervous and uncomfortable with our parents living together again. They're not sleeping in the same room or anything like that, but it's just weird. We don't like it.

I understand that it's not really about us because we're not kids anymore and my parents are working together (business stuff, I'd rather not get into it) but I'm really unhappy about this. Can't they be business partners in separate houses like they were a week ago?

My brother even suggested that he and I move out and get an apartment together so that we don't have to deal with our parents. Plus, we'd make a good team as roommates because being siblings, we have pretty much the same values, likes, and habits. We're like twins!

Ahem, in other news, I got a job =D =] =| =\ =[

About three weeks ago, my mom gave me the "get a job or I'm kicking you out" lecture for the millionth time so the next day, I made hundred copies of my resume and just delivered them wherever I could.

See, I had a job working in the mall for six months in a stupid store called Inka's World. My boss was a jerk (and of Inca heritage) and had poor business skills. I worked the whole day at the mall with only one day off. So, due to mall hours I was working 8 hours, 9 hours and 11 hour shifts. It was AWESOME money, but the job really messed with my head because NO ONE WOULD COME IN AND BUY HIS CRAP and I was alone, with nothing to do for a long time. I would even go to the dollar store, buy sketch books and pens and just doodle the day away. It was sometimes awesome, but seriously, it was not good. He stopped paying on time, and made us (one other girl worked there on the day that I had off) look like fools when July rolled around and we only had winter stuff to sell, which the customer would cleverly state, "I think you've got your seasons wrong." or something stupid like that.

Eventually, I quit. I was sooo stressed from working a million hours (well, in two weeks I'd gather 90hours), not getting paid on time or in full, and dealing with ignorant people. I told my mom that I wanted to take the rest of the summer off to just rest and enjoy it before looking for a new job.

Okay, so I procrastinated, got yelled at, dropped off resumes, and finally, ten days later without hearing a thing, I get a call for an interview at Zellers. Which is like, the poor mans' Walmart, if you didn't know. Here in town, there's sort of a saying that only ugly girls work at Zellers (because all the hot chicks are at the mall) and I said that out loud to my brother, to which he replied, "At least you'll be the prettiest one there." But of course, karma came in and bit me on the ass for now I work there. I'm officially an ugly girl (and no, I'm not fishing for compliments. THIS IS SERIOUS.)

Today I was only there for an hour along with three other people just to fill out some employment forms and be issued positions, lockers and uniform. I'll be a cashier, my locker is #43 (47-13-45) and I have a lame red Zellers shirt to wear on top of my own black pants.

But it's a 10% discount.

HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! especialmente a Rob. El amor de mi vida =P


SteveKB 14 years ago



Watashi no hobaakurafuto wa neko deibbai desu.

My hovercraft is filled with cats.

I love writing relevant things

anyway good luck on what ever you wish to do.

:< I want to kill 64digits for screwing up mah symbols D:<

factnfiction101 14 years ago

ugly girl store? girls worry about the silliest things.