...Not That Kind Of Script!

Posted by Ronnica on Feb. 8, 2011, 12:38 a.m.

Johnny: Why do you insist we leave the toilet seat down?


Johnny: Excuse me?

Ronnie: [sigh] Never mind.

Just experimenting with an idea for my sitcom. I'm not too sure where I was going with that joke, but it seemed funny when I was waiting for the bus this afternoon. Speaking of which, there was a guy waiting for the bus who looked IDENTICAL to Cesque. I was very tempted to walk up to him and do that annoying girl thing, “OMG! You look EXACTLY like my friend! Take a picture with me!!â€? but I realized that's only cute when you're 14 and have at least two, squealing friends giggling by your side so I didn't do it. But I wanted to do it.

I had better jokes in my rough copies of the scripts but ever since this whole thing with my laptop, I haven't seen any of my work in a while.

In the bad news, I've decided against continuing my education. I've only been going to college for five days and did not like it at all. I just selected the wrong thing for my life (I do that a lot) and I'll be looking into taking new classes.

I was really wanting to be a Legal Secretary because you can work at a real estate office and help realtors sell homes (which is what I REALLY wanted to do) but the whole course itself was a let down. It's all about lawyers and how as a legal assistant we're supposed to kiss ass and suck cock to be good at our job. Sitting at that desk for 7 hours was really painful since I wasn't interested at all in what my teacher had to say. I wasn't going to learn what I wanted to know. It was stressful and irritating (like me) so I gave up. I'll be handing in my withdrawal form tomorrow and handing in my books and stuff.

After my first two days, I started to feel like I had made a mistake, and was debating about staying in school, or dropping it. I could have stayed and tried, but the odds of me passing weren't likely. I would have wasted my time, my instructor's time, and money. Few people told me to stay but whenever I talked about it, I would get anxiety, panic and cry about it. I hate myself.

The good news is I only spent $200 on my deposit to save my spot. If I pull out now, I wont owe my whole tuition (a measly $2000.00). If things change in my life, and if I'm in a better place, I'll see if I can retake the class, but I think I'll just be looking for a new dream. I do want to go to college, I really do, but I've been slowly spiraling down in life (again) and I just can't be taught right now. My brother said that school isn't for everyone, and in my case, I should only go when I'm passionate about something. My parents on the other hand called me stupid, no good, and never amount to anything now.

But I'll definitely be back.

HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!! I may hate school, but I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eww, why does it space out like that?


Ronnica 13 years, 8 months ago

AWWWW!!! <3

JuurianChi 13 years, 8 months ago


Ronnica 13 years, 8 months ago


Quietus 13 years, 8 months ago

also, sitcoms are spawn of the devil.

^^lol at Juurian

Cesque 13 years, 8 months ago

It basically means that fsx has made some blogs uglier by making the text align to the left and right margins. Basically, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justification_%28typesetting%29

Admittedly, it doesn't look as good as I thought it would :P